Chapter Two

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AN: This is how I imagine Alexandrielle to be like but feel free to imagine her in any way you like :) ⬆️⬇️


School. The most boring, loud and annoying place I ever had. I mean, just thinking about the subjects, those annoying teachers who loves to give a full shit loads of activities, quizzes, assignments, and exams that would probably blow my mind. Even those cranky and noisy cheerleader with their bright and slutty outfit makes my day full of nausea. And those athlete jocks that wants nothing but to get laid and even making me their number one target is a whole bunch of rubbish.

And do you know what I hate most about school? The dreadful M subject. You know that?'s Math. I mean, who the hell won't even get confused with numbers added by letters. And what the hell is even a variable and constant? Aargh! Just thinking about it is giving me a nose bleed.

Tissue please.

"School?! What school?" I asked her incredulously.

"Arden High School. Your old school of course." She stated calmly while she turned her back at me and started to chop some vegetables.

My jaw dropped on the floor. "Why mom? I mean, you know how much I hate school. And you're sending me back?!"

"Because you never get exposed. You always stay in your room for as long as you wanted, and we couldn't even get you out there without getting a bruise in the end." She answered as she put the vegetables in a stainless bowl and put it below the faucet.

"And do you think you won't have worse if you force me to go to a god damn school?" I asked her with a clenched teeth. She's taking me too far. If she would force me into something I don't want, my self control would be thrown out to hell.

She glanced at me through her shoulder. "Being a dominant would get you no where. Do you want people to be always afraid of you? Don't you want to have some friends? Don't you want to find someone at least?" She glared at me and I glared back.

If only I was a werewolf, I would've been baring my teeth to her.

"Calm your self down before you do something you'll regret" she calmly stated but I hinted a slight nervousness in her voice.

"I won't regret anything as long as I wouldn't get forced into something that is against my will" I seethed to her.

Before she could utter a word, the doorbell rang.

She gave me a meaningful glance that says 'calm yourself down or you'll scare the person behind the door'

"Then go ahead and open it yourself because I'm not calming down anytime soon" I said with my arms crossed over my chest.

Huffing a breath, she washed her hands clean and exited the kitchen. I followed after her and headed straight to my room as soon as she opened the door.

"Good evening Mr. Harrison, please come in" I faintly heard my mother greet the newcomer as I shut the door of my room.

"Good evening too, Mrs. Riley" a deep, low voice answered.

What's with the formal shit and all?

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