Chapter Eighty-Five

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The sirens of the ambulance and the police patrol filled the whole place as they come to rescue those beaten guys. Zach is quite generous to even have them treat their sorry asses.

"Mr. Harrison, what did they do this time?" A police officer asked him when he finally calmed down.

"He just stormed in and shouted at us. Not only that, they insulted my fiancé and tried to hurt her." He said angrily as they scribble down what he is saying.

"What do you think we should do with them, Mr. Harrison? This is already their fifth offense on you, do you want to file a case?"

Zach shook his head "Not yet but if they do one more thing, I will. Right now I'll just file a protection case for my fiancé, I couldn't have them trying to hurt her again" he said confidently and my heart warmed at his words.

After a while, everything is finally settled as Zach promised the restaurant owner to replace the damage and give them $100,000 for any additional damage they have caused, which I argued because it is not only Zach and I that did the damage, it is also them even though they're wounded.

Shaking his head at me, he held my shoulders "Let's be the bigger person for now, Lex. This case won't be done if we keep on arguing about what should be paid and who should pay." He said and I nodded. He's right.

"You're cheek is bruising" he said angrily as he inspected my bruised cheek.

"I'll be fine Zach" I said.

He growled "Stop saying you're fine when you really aren't. Your parents might not care about that bullshit but I won't have you telling me lies, especially when it comes to your health!" Zach angrily said and I hung my head in shame. He knows how right he is and I don't have any excuse to deny that. I always say I am fine even though I am not, it just comes naturally for me like a second nature. I'm always lying when it comes about my well-being because I find it easier to hide your vulnerability from everyone else.

"I'm sorry" I apologized and he sighed. Placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, he looked at me in the eye. "Never lie about your well-being to me, OK? I don't want to lose you"

Smiling gently at his words, I nodded.

Driving back to the house, the bruise still in that angry dark color and I grimace every time I see it in my reflection. That's one nasty bruise.

Once inside the house, Zach immediately headed to the kitchen to get some ice pack. Suddenly, his phone on the table started vibrating. Glancing at the caller ID, that bad feeling resurfaced again.

Kayla calling

My heartbeat increased its pace along with the increasing bad feeling in my gut.

Should I answer it? Who could this be? I mean, is this someone Zach know? It could be a relative of some sort. But why is this nagging feeling kept nagging at me. Again with the question, should I answer it?

Keep asking yourself that, see if it actually answers you.

Aargh! What should I do?! I'm so tempted to just accept it, but would it be OK with Zach? I mean, it will seem like I'm invading his privacy but who cares? We're in love and engaged, sure we have rights to mend with each other's things, right? I mean, normal couple do that, so why can't we?

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