Chapter Thirty-Five

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Walking from the back of the school, rounding off before going to the parking lot. My tears won't stop flowing and faints sobs are coming out of me. My heart feels as if a mega vice grip is tearing it. I've never felt this pain before, even in the times when I'm always isolated. This is different. Is there some hope in my heart that he'll be different somehow? Does it? I don't know. But I did hope a little that he does. But now, I don't think it's even possible. I know then that whatever happens today, will change us. I'm sure of it.

He tried calling out to me a few times when I was still near. But if he really wants to make it up to me, he would've ran after me and stopped me. But did he? Maybe I'm just not worth anything.

Dialing Edmund's number, he answered in the second ring.

"Yes, ma'am?" he asked politely.

"Pick me up at the school's parking lot. I'm coming home" I tried keeping my voice steady but it hitches a little.

"Alexandrielle, is there something wrong? Did something happened?" His voice turned from formal to a friendly concerned one.

Edmund's a 43 year old lad. He'd been working for the Riley's for as long as I can remember. He is mom's guard but is my protector. He's my best friend that always puts me first. I remembered when I had my first period when I was eleven and he immediately drove at school to help me. He's my hero and he always know if something is wrong.

"I'm fine. I'm just not feeling well" I answered while wiping my tears away.

"Lies, lies, lies. We both hate lies" he chanted and I smiled.

"I tell you when I want to. I just don't want to talk about it" I said with a sigh.

"Ok. Wait for me, I'll pick you up" he said.

"OK" I hang up.

A few moments later, I saw the familiar black limo smoothly parking in front of me.

Without wasting anytime, I jumped inside without waiting for Edmund to help me in.

"That was...unexpected" Edmund murmured. Hand in the car's handle; ready to go out.

"Let's go" I said as I plug my headsets in my ears and listened to some country songs.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I was startled when my notification rings.

🍂Alex Grain sent you a message🍂

A light smile touched my lips.

🍃Hey. It's been a while midget. Busy with life or busy lazying around? Haha anyway, the band miss you. Can you visit us anytime? We couldn't come because life is hectic. At least you have lots of free time if you want to. We'll visit more on summer though. Give us a ring when you can. Bye :) 🍃

I smiled. I miss the band. Maybe I'll pay them a visit this weekend? I've been thinking for a while now. Maybe I'll finally do it.

I'll try to visit this weekend. See if I could escape whatever schedule I have. I really miss you guys. Wait for me there will you? xoxo

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