Chapter Twenty

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The next day was as usual. I just headed to school and just listen to whatever obvious classes the teachers throw our way. It was so boring though, but sometimes I would catch Zach staring at me. I would just give him a glare before doing what the heck it is I'm doing.

It was already the last period of the day and thankfully, Zach was busy all day with new stuffs. I almost laughed when another teacher called him out for the third time today when he tried approaching me. His displeasure is evident when he growled frustratingly and turned back with an angry frown in his handsome face.

Going to the parking lot, I found my car nearby. I hurriedly headed to it, eager to leave the place so that I could be in the safe haven of my room.

Unfortunately, someone grabbed my waist and I felt sparks when the slightly exposed skin on my waist was touched by a bigger, calloused hands.

"Not so fast, love" he murmured under his breath. His hot breath fanning at the back of my neck as he kept his body in contact with me. I shivered at his husky, baritone voice.

"Do you really think you could escape me that easily?" he asked, an underlying threat and mischief in his voice.

I stayed silent. I don't want to talk to him, afraid that my voice would give out-wait! That'll only prove I'm weak! Aargh!! This is so infuriating! Why the hell am I even affected by him?!

I turned around and crossed my arms with a glare to him. "Do I look like I'm escaping anybody?" I fired at him.

His frown deepened as his jaw clenched. "Don't talk to me that way" he warned me dangerously.

"Oh? Does Mr. Dominant Male doesn't want to be talked like that?" I cooed at him sarcastically.

He grabbed my waist and painfully squeezed it that I gasped. His body is so close to mine that I could feel his bulging, rock-hard muscles of his body.

Leaning into my ear, he whispered "Don't disrespect me in any way, even the slightest, Alexandrielle. You don't know how capable I am when it comes to punishing" he said before taking my earlobe in his mouth and sucking it. An involuntary gasp left my lips at the feeling. This doesn't go unnoticed by him as he nipped at it.

He's teasing me, I know it. But why am I reacting to it?! Never have I felt this way to a man before. Not even Luke, the hottest guy at school which is the football jock, can even charm me. But Zach, he's everything. His presence alone can make me go haywire. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't talk that confidently, I can't focus on anything else other than him when he's around. Heck, I even appreciate every simple things about him. His eyes, his nose, his lips, his hair....God, what is happening to me? Am I attracted to him?

A soft involuntary moan came out from my chest as he placed a kiss on my neck - my sensitive spot.

I felt him smirk "Found ya"

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