Chapter Eighty-One

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Groaning, my eyes slowly opened and I was shocked when I was in Zach's room with Zach laying next beside me with an arm around my naked waist.

Wait...naked waist? Looking down, I am still naked! Eeeek!

Looking back at Zach to check is I disturbed him, he isn't. Wheeew! I guess we're both tired of our wild night last night. Gosh it was so amazing and mind blowing. It's the best.

Looking out of the window, the light is faint but bright because of the thick, dark maroon curtain that's shielding the light from streaming in completely.

Trying to sit up, I winced lightly in pain. My lower part feels sore and achy. Taking the covers off that is covering my lower part, I gasped in shock to see blood on my legs. The sheets are also have some smudges on it.

Oh god I'm bleeding!

Carefully taking Zach's arm off my waist, I sneaklily got off the bed and hardly made it to the bathroom with my aching core.

Opening the shower to wash myself, Zach's phone loudly rang on the other side. On the third ring, Zach shuffled before I hear him sit up.

"Lex?" He called out sleepily before I hear him taking his phone in what sounds like the bedside drawer.

"Dad." He greeted. "I'm sorry I can't come today. Just leave the works for me or have Jackson send it here so that I'll do it here...Yeah. Don't worry....Ok, bye" I hear him sigh.

Trying to wash the dry blood in my core, I groaned at the pain.

"Lex? Are you OK in there?" He asked and I hear him get off the bed.

"Was that blood I smell?" He asks himself and I know he found out the blood on the sheets. "Lex are you OK?" He asked worriedly as his heavy footsteps approached the bathroom with a knock.

"I'm fine Zach" I tried to assure him but again, I winced in pain. Oh god that's painful.

"Are you in pain? Damn I must've been too hard on you. Lex I'm sorry, I should've known better" he apologetically told me as if cursing himself already.

"Zach it's fine. It's not that bad. Just a little sore" I admitted and oddly, the pain subsided.

"Lex, I'm really sorry. I-"

"Zach I'm fine" I assured him again and he sighed.

"Can I come in?" He softly asked and I walked to open the door. Thankfully, it's not that painful anymore.

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