Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"How is it again?" I asked for the third time to Jane.

"Add that, transpose it to the left, divide then put the sign. Easy" she said before going back to answering hers.

"Easy for you, you're a nerd" I muttered as she sent a sheepish smile my way.

I looked around and obviously, the other's are struggling like me while some are still asleep.

A group of boys at the back are whispering things to each other with a snicker here and there. I watched them amused as one of them stretched before slapping the sleeping guy in front of him but quickly pretending as if he's talking with the group.

The sleeping guy pulls his head up sleepily before looking around and going back to sleeping.

I laughed under my breath and Jane gave me a questioning look. I smiled at her sheepishly while pointing at the direction of the boys. She looked at them and sent a glare to one of them before continuing to answer the shit loads of questions.

The guys repeated it again and still has the same reaction from the sleeping guy.

Now this is a view I want during math class.

On the third time though, the sleeping guy gets up and attacked one of them which erupted chaos in the room.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The students cheered as the two beat the hell out of each other.

I laughed before standing on a table and shouted "PARTY TIME!!" the class erupted into cheers as world war three happened.

I flopped down on my seat laughing.

"You're a bad dominant, aren't you?" Jane commented and I laughed.

"Kids should have fun too, you know" I said as I joined the others on our own party.

Papers littered around the room and the blackboard is now vandalized. Chairs and tables are now turned over as the others are having paper ball fight. And of course ladies and gentlemen, I am one of them.

I threw a ball on the other team and hit straight on the nose of my target. I burst out laughing along with my group mates. It's good that I am now getting along with these people.

"You should finish the activity first before you play" Jane appeared behind me while I duck under the turned over table.

"I choose play first before math shit" I said while firing back to the opponent.

She made a disgusted face and I laughed again. Standing from my hiding spot, I shot my target who is entranced with Jane.

Wait...entranced by Jane I say...

I looked at the guy I just shot to see him unaffected. Quickly, I snapped a photo at him and just then I remembered; he is the guy that humiliated Jane when I got back. Is it possible that....he likes her?

"Mr. Andrews is back!" One screeched in terror and we all hurried up to clean the room.

Turning the chairs and tables back and picking up the papers, we proceeded to pretend we're doing it.

One trick for Math period to be enjoyable and easily done is, do the work slower until the end of the period so that you won't have to pass that load of shit.

Thankfully, we managed to put everything back in place just before Mr. Andrews arrived.

"OK class, I'm back. Now hand over the papers" he instructed and we all groaned.

I sent a wink a guy on the back and he whined. "But sir, we haven't finished yet."

I hid a smile by hanging my head low.

"Then why are papers littered under your chair Mr. Olly?" He asked and all heads snapped towards the guy.

Sure enough, the paper balls are noticeable under his chair.


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