Chapter Fourteen

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Walking in the streets at 8:30 in the eve, my shoulders are slumped as I walk.

It has been a tiring day for me. After the last period, I all called a meeting so that the practice would be scheduled. But because I have gave another 'speech' about how I won't hurt them and after assuring a lots of doubt, let's just say that we only decided about the schedule and not about who will be the characters.

Stopping at the gate, the guards was shocked to realize that I walked from the school to here.

They opened their mouth to say something but I raised my hands on them "No comment" I told them while proceeding to get in.

"Uhhm...Alexandrielle-" Jack the lead guard started but I cut him off.

"I'm fine. Walking is an exercise. Don't worry" I already said it for them because I'm sure as hell they are going to ask me if I'm OK again. Like I can't defend myself *roll eyes *

Crossing our wide, spacious, and well decorated front lawn; I immediately headed towards the front door...too tired of going to the back door to avoid them again.

"Well, I guess she'll be here any moment" I heard my 'mom's' soft voice.

"It's OK. We will be staying here later than intended. We're willing to wait for her even if she has to come back at midnight" I heard a baritone voice speak up...oddly familiar. Hhhmmm.

Squaring my shoulders and straightening my spine, I let myself in to the house. I was greeted by my parents and other people but I didn't pay them much attention.

"No need to wait for me, I'm here"

I swear I could feel eyes taking me in.

"A-alexandrielle? You're late where have you been?" She asks with fake concern.

"Oh just lounging around away from the people who acts as if they care" I told them with venom in my voice.

My father's eyes darken before he forcely calms his self down "Alexandrielle, this is Mr. Antonio Harrison of the Dominant Incorporation and his only son and heir, Zachary Harrison. Gentlemen, this daughter, Alexandrielle." He couldn't even tell anyone directly that I'm his daughter. Pfft...what a pathetic excuse of a father.

I smiled sarcastically at him "The people who're you're going to ship me off? What a great news I have" I venomously stated while giving them a sickly sweet smile.

Mr. Harrison seems to be in quite a shock. He's a man in his early forties. Built, tall, and still muscular. His aura says that he is a dominant, a male one. More aggressive but what surprises me is, his son with the aura of dominant. Stronger than his father. His features are sharper, more commanding and stoic. I can feel myself slightly trembling as his dominating aura filled the whole house. I feel like he could drown me in it, choke me till my oxygen is cut.

My 'mom' cleared her throat. "Well, why don't you both go upstairs to Alaxandrielle's room and get to know each other? Dinner's still not ready so why don't you guys spend your time together?" She suggested.

I raised my eyebrow at her. They're really into it.

Before I could argue though, grandpa appeared and ordered me to obey. I have no choice.

Huffing a breath, I stomped my way up the stairs future betrothed behind me.

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