Chapter Seven

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I internally groaned. Ugh, the dreadful office. Oh god!

I uncertainly turn around to Mr. Donalds who is bravely standing at the cafeteria entrance with a glare my way.

I smiled sheepishly at him with a scratch at the back of my head. "Uhhh sir I still need to fill my empty stomach. It's already so empty so...I need to fill it" I excused and I pointed at my very, very flat stomach.

"Cut the excuses. To the office now" he demanded. I sighed, no need to argue to him.

"Perks of being always included in a fight, the principal would probably memorize your full name" I muttered as I started to walk to the office with my hands in my pocket.

Surprisingly, the students near me laughed like there's no tomorrow.

Looking at them funnily, I continued. "Next time, my middle name would also be mentioned" I joked.

The whole cafeteria erupted in laughters and Mr. Donald gave me a look that says 'You're in trouble'

Before he could do anything though, I dashed out from the cafeteria and into the hallways.


I tapped my foot impatiently as I watch Mr. Donald organizing his paperworks. One thing I hate most is being kept waiting. 'Impatient little one, aren't you?' He would always tell me when I complain. And the worse thing is, he's doing it on purpose!

Looking around the room, I tried to stop my growing frustration by trying to find anything interesting.

Five minutes and 37 seconds later....

Still, he's still doing his shit craps. Organizing the already organized papers, going through it again and again, writing none sense things and scratching it in the end, fake practicing his signature, putting the files together slowly....aaargh! Since when will this have to end?!

I cleared my throat; he ignored me. I cleared my throat again, louder this time. Still, no answer.

"Great! Might as well play the ignore-me-all-day. See what happens." I exclaimed annoyed and slumped myself down on the chair in front of him, shooting daggers at him.

He looked at me with a bored expression. "What is it Miss Riley?" He played dumb which ticked me off further.

Groaning, I said "What what? What are we going to do here? What is suppose to be my punishment? Community service, detention, it, it's not the first time" I said frustratingly while folding my arms across my chest.

Taking his reading glasses off, he replied "Yes it's not the first time, Miss Riley. Therefore I thought you would've learned from now. No more fights" he stated calmly.

"That guy just disrespected her. HER! A girl. She should be respected even though she's a nerd. She doesn-"

"Yes I know, Miss Riley but throwing the first punch is known to be punishable, you know that. And instead of throwing the first punch, why didn't you just immobile him temporarily and take him here?" He asked me.

"Do you really think that I trust you enough to make a solution for it?" I challenged him. My blood is boiling 1,200° already. My fists are so white because of how tight I'm clenching them.

"And another one, for disrespecting me." He assessed me before continuing. Heck, I'm so close to beating this bastard!

"50 modules answered in a day. That's you're punishment. You will be suspended for a day and that's what you would do. This is your return to school and instead of being a better person, you decided to be suspended on your first day" he tsk-ed disappointedly.

"50?! You're fucking kidding me right?" I said as soon as I composed myself when my jaw dropped.

"No I don't kid"

"So do I" I gritted.

"Now go" he ordered dismissively.

"Too short of time to finish this!" I exclaimed.

"Better start now, young lady" he said as I headed to the door.

"Go to hell!"

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