Chapter Twenty-Five

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AN: Just a few things to say guys. Thanks for reading this story of mine and giving it a chance. But there is some problems I'm having that causes slow upload of chapters. The internet in our place is so slow so please bear with me because there's nothing I could do.

So anyways, have fun :)

4 minutes and 36 seconds later...

I told you it was a bad habit of mine to count the time. Sheesh!

I turned on my right again for the fifth time. Sleep doesn't seem to want to succumb me. I groaned. My heart is beating wildly in anticipation of Zach. It's weird having my heart react to Zach easily. God, what the heck is happening?!

A while later, I slowly felt myself lulling to sleep. Finally!

I heard the door softly open and a strong presence filled the room. Even in my half asleep state, my body reacted to the presence by shivering slightly.

I feel his knuckles gently touch my cheek. "You're asleep huh?" I heard him softly mutter. "Such pain should not mar a goddess' fragile heart" he said and I felt myself frowning in confusion internally. "You don't deserve whatever it is is happening to you now" he continued. Voice filled with sadness...sadness for me?

"I just wish you could see the light in the end of tunnel though. Just believe it is there" was the last thing I heard before I was surrounded into blackness.


Three days pass unknowingly. Zach's been avoiding me like plague, only acknowledging me at times with a simple nod. He usually doesn't come to school even, which leaves me frustrated and confused as hell. What's his deal?!

Ever since that time he came to my room and uttered those words to me, he's been distant. Aargh! Why do I even care?!

I groaned as I heard our Math teacher saying this, saying that, add this to that, transpose it to this...aargh! Maaaattthh!!

I just wish I could magically teleport him to hell and let the demons listen to his fucking lessons.

I tap my pencil in my paper, itching to go out.

"You seem to be very frustrated lately" a soft but determined voice spoke up in front of me.

I looked up to see the same nerd girl I defended before, seeming stronger now. I've heard that the bullying to her has been lessened because she's standing up to herself as she can now. That kind of gave me somewhat contentment and satisfaction.

I scoffed lightly "That obvious huh?" I asked her.

She nodded "The...Male dominant seems to be distant with you too. You know, since you guys seem to know each other the first day he got here?" She cautiously let out.

"Oh that. Who knows what's his deal? He's probably in hell doing whatever it is he is doing" I said half sarcastically while inside I'm cursing him.

She smiled at me like she knows something. I raised my eyebrow at her. "You're affected" she stated a matter of factly.

"Kind of, that's only because he's confusing and frustrating as hell" I said.

She chuckled at me. "You like him" she said.

"Quite the opposite my dear" I smirked at her with a wink and she laughed.

"Is there any problem, Ms. Andrea?" We looked up to see the teacher giving us a raised eyebrow and his arms are crossed over his chest but he couldn't look me in the eye.

I smirked. Way to look intimidating Sir I-don't-know-your-name.

"N-none sir" she said. He just nodded before saying these next words....

"Detention Office after class...both of you"

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