Chapter Ninety-Seven

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Driving away with mixed emotions, anger, pain, shock, betrayal. All of them have been lying to me. They just used me!

Punching the wheel so hard, I heard a faint break and I wished I could just break it now and here.

"I've got nothing to loose. The company is already collapsing and there's no way to recover. So I don't have to fear anything to loose, all I care is you getting justice from them"

Tyler's words resounded in my head as I clench the steering wheel tightly.

Pulling out in front of the porch, I got out in a flash while barging through the door.

"Alexandrielle! Oh God you're OK!" Mom ran up to me and hugged me. Everyone in the room stood up in relief but I'm too unstable to actually care that they somehow care about my well-being.

"Where have you been?" She asked as she pulled away from me. Looking around the room, my voice coming out deeper and more dangerous than I ever heard before.

"What are you hiding from me?"

Mom, dad, Jaken, Grandpa, Nanny, Edmund, Skylar, Mr. Harrison, and the devil himself is all gathered...perfect!

"Wha-" mom started but stopped when it dawned on her.

"What are you hiding from me?!" I roared in anger and most of them shook. The house vibrating with the force of my voice.


"No! None of your lies! I'm fed up with everything and I want to know NOW! God forbid I have to beat it out of you!"

"Alexandrielle, please listen to me" mom cried as tears fell from her eyes.

"Go ahead! But one lie from those lips of snake from yours I'll kill you and I won't hesitate" I warned them and she breathed deeply.

"We were young, Alexandrielle. Your father is not as strong as what your grandpa wants him to be" my lips curled up in a snarl to my grandfather. "We fell in love but your grandfather doesn't want me as his wife, simply because I am not a dominant. But he has no choice when I conceived you. Your grandfather made a deal with us, he'll keep the both of us, but how you should be raised is in his hands" my hands shook at my sides. Such burning anger I've never felt so intensely before had burned through my entire body and soul. It's a shame to hell that the heat of my anger and hatred had surpassed it. "When you were born, your father and me had a huge disagreement. I don't want to raise you in such a way but your father doesn't want to abandon the both of us, in the end we have no choice. You were sick when you were born, it was very rare. You were so weak because your body is resisting the genes to kick in. It only means one thing, either you die or the dominant genes will be concealed forever in your system. Your grandfather swore he won't have a granddaughter as a submissive. I have begged him to help you, the consequence is, he'll have his way of raising you. I can't let you die" she sobbed as dad rub her shoulders comfortingly.

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