Chapter Forty-Six

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There's always a time in my life where I would expect that the whole day would be spent in total happiness, but there is still that lingering instinct in the back of your mind saying that somehow, someone would spoil it for you. That's exactly what is happening now.

I frowned at the message.

"Whatever that is, tell me now. I've got no time for you


"You really should come home. I'll explain it more accurately in personal


"I don't think so. You'll just stutter like an idiot.


I point out and I know she knows very well that I'm right. She replied still ushering me home.

Getting annoyed, I called her.

"What is so important that you couldn't tell me over the phone?!" I snapped angrily and the day is now ruined. Great!

"Uhhh...uhhm...well uhh..." Just as I said, she'll stutter like an idiot.

"Spit it out already!" I snapped getting more and more irritated.

" should go and buy something elegant. There's an ocassion."

"And why is that?" I inquired. They want me to dress up for an ocassion while they couldn't even remember that today is my birthday. Way to go!

"Just go. Buy a dress or something"

"I already have one." I deadpanned, thinking about using Manager Kurt's gift.

I hear some shouting in the background and I recognized father's voice.

"'s a formal theme. Buy a gown"

I groaned. "What color?" I asked. These guys are going to be the death of me.

"If possible, pink"

"Got it" I hung up and looked at the band remorsefully.

"Something wrong?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah...something came up and I have to go. Seems to be there is an ocassion and they need me" I informed them and they all nodded in understanding.

Hugging them all goodbye with one last joke from Danny, I left the building with their gifts.

A ping from my phone alerted me of a new message.

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