Chapter Seventy

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Zach and I had talked about how I am territorial, him telling me his observations in the past. One is when Luke tried to eat in MY table and tried hitting on me. Second is when a football jock took my seat near the window, another is when some students tried to pretend as if they own my table at the science lab and many others. I just laughed whenever he make a joke out of those.

God, I hope this moment never ends.

I burst out laughing when he revived the time when he tried to talk to me but always got called by a teacher every time he has a chance. He shuddered remembering how the teacher gape at him in a flirty way and threatened him to fail him in her subject IF he doesn't go out with him. Zach frowned at me laughing at him.

"It's not funny. She's not even that decent! How come she even passed to become a teacher with that bitchy ways of her?" He grumbled which made me laugh at him even more.

Oh...god! My stomach...hurts!

Suddenly, a phone rang and he took his phone out of his black trousers. He frowned at the caller ID before silencing it and bringing it back to his pocket.

"An interruption?" I teased him, remembering how he hates to be interrupted.

"Yeah" he said before his face lighten up. "I nearly forgot something" he said.

"What?" I asked while standing up and was about to go to huge flat screen TV of his to turn it on when he stopped me.

"I have to give you this" he said before pulling out a red velvet box.

My heart sped up when I realized what it is. "Zach..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"I should give you this at the engagement party but...things didn't go well as planned so..." He looked away with a light blush. Cute!

"Then why didn't you give it to me while I'm recovering in the hospital?" I asked softly while my eyes are stuck at the box in his hands.

"I wanted to make it special because I'm willing for our marriage to work. I should've propose to you in a romantic way but..." He trailed off with a scratch of his head "I really don't know how to be romantic. And besides, I don't want to delay of you being mine" he looked at me intensely but that nagging feeling is nagging at me again.

Chuckling, I said "No need to be romantic. I don't care about any of those. As long as I have someone by my side, then its far enough for me." I said as he caressed my cheek.

"And I will always be by your side" he murmured with an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't decipher.

Kneeling in front of me, he opened the box which consisted of 40 karat amethyst diamond. (AN: Pic above 🔝🔝) The sight blew me off that I covered my mouth with my hand at my joy.

"Alexandrielle, my Lex. We have been destined in an unruly way and we have started in very bad start, but for the days I have known you, you have become the most amazing woman I've ever met. We have our own way and believes, we are opposites but common at the same time, and I realize, you are the girl I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" He asked as he looked at me expectantly. What does he expect? Me to say no? Hell, NEVER. I like him...too much and even though we are already stuck with each other, it feels as if we really are a couple and are going to be engaged in a real way.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and he stood up and hugged me. His arms holding me feels so natural, like it's meant to be. And I always feel content and safe with him that this overwhelming joy is too much to handle but at the same time, I don't want it to end.

Both of us laughed in joy as he twirled me around. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He repeated happily and I couldn't help but giggle at the very man I like. I don't think 'like' is the right term to say....

I think I LOVE him.

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