Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After that gooey moment that Zach and I shared, we pulled apart and headed to the orientation room in school.

We arrived there, three minutes before six - which is a relief. I won't let myself be a wasteful model by being late in even just a minute when I announced to the others to arrive at exactly six sharp. I would be an embarrassment. Not only would I fail to be in time, but I would also fail as a leader and a dominant. And from the looks of Zach, he is thinking the same way too.

Entering inside the orientation room, only Jane is there; sitting with a book. Oh, that bookworm!

Zach and I didn't utter a word to each other and that somehow disturbs me. Why? I don't even know.

"Where are the others?" I asked Jane and she ignored me; totally engrossed in the story.

"Jane?" I tried to get her attention. No reaction.

"JANE!!" I shouted and my voice echoed through the whole room.

She jumped in shock with her hand on her chest. "You scared me!" She exclaimed.

"No choice. Couldn't pull you out of your fantasies" I told her with a roll of my eyes.

"Sorry" she said embarrassed and I shook my head at her with a gentle smile.

"Now where are the others?" I asked and she shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes "Don't tell me they'll be late"

She checked her watch and said "They'll be" before showing her watch which says exactly 6:00.

I growled as I stood up, pacing around the room. "Those fuckers!" I snapped angrily and she flinched. The air might be twisted in my anger and it's too much for her to handle, but I couldn't control myself. I am not someone who should be kept waiting.

"I swear they won't be able to even walk if ever they'll keep me waiting for long" I growled. My mind is filled with the thoughts of punishing them and my dominant side will never be satisfied until a punishment is made.

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped me from behind that stopped me completely. "Calm down" Zach's masculine voice calmly said but his body language says otherwise. "You're scaring your friend here. Your anger is too much for her to handle. Calm yourself down and let's solve this matter calmly. This is just the first time. It is just first offense. Let's let them off the hook for now. But later, let's teach them a lesson to be on that they will know not to mess with us"

I took a deep breath in to calm myself down. He's right. Violence is not always the answer and I should settle this clamly.

"First offense" I breathed out. "First but last offense. If this happens again, I'll teach them a lesson." I told him and he nodded "We both will".

I tightly closed my eyes while pinching the bridge of my nose. "Fuck them" I muttered and he pulled his arms away but he is still close to me.

"Sorry about that" I apologized to Jane who gulped heavily and nodded uncertainly.

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