Chapter Sixty-Two

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"You know what this means" voice cold, stoic and void of emotion. Nodding my head, my stomach did a backflip, causing it to ache as I readied myself for a punishment I will endure later.

"Do you know what you've done?!" My grandfather's voice boomed in anger as I sit on our home's couch in the living room.

I stayed silent. My parents looking at me in anger, shock and disappointment. I just don't care what they think.

"You freaking bitch! When?!" He again boomed as he frustratingly ran his hand through his gray hair. Mr. Harrison and Zach just watched on with no emotion at all. Both leaning in the doorframe with arms crossed...identical stance. They shouldn't witness this but they chose to.

"You're out of your mind. You're such a disappointment. Are you really doing this on purpose to lose everyone of your family? What do you say for yourself?" Grandpa asked as he settles his hands in his hips with that look.

Meeting him in the eye with a slight challenge, my voice strong and firm "I have no regret"

Shock...the room is quiet.

"Then have the punishment"

My hands gripped the chains, testing how strong they are this time. It is. Stronger than what they used on me when I was a kid and and early teenager. I never misbehaved, just always blamed.

Standing up in the underground basement of the house, I remember how Nanny cried and begged for them to let me go; to understand. She didn't follow us in the basement, too hurt and saddened with my fate. Edmund is clenching his fists so hard, willing himself not to shed a tear because I made him promise not to.

I am half naked. I only have pants on. They're still merciful to even let me have it on while I take my punishment, which will be torn in any moment now.

"Alexandrielle Quinn Riley, disgrace of the clan, tainted with an unremorseful reason. You are hereby punished for defying the law if purity. Do you deny it?" My grandfather questioned me.

"No" my voice gruff.

"Then you'll have it" that been said, I felt the first slash of the whip on my back. I flinched with a hiss of the pain.

The second came, the third, the fourth...a cry came out from me on the sixth one. At the ninth one, I'm already screaming in agony. Not crying because I don't have any tear to shed anymore. On the fourteenth slash, I'm already fighting to will myself to keep standing but everything came crashing down on the eighteenth slash. The twentieth has me on my knees, not able to stand anymore but still willing myself to keep my back upwards.

My teeth clenched tight with my fists. The chains close to breaking with the force of my painful grip on them. Sweat all around my body, mixing with the blood on my back which causes a hiss from my mouth.

Silence...everything is silent, still. I was breathing heavily, questioning if I'll be able to make it this time. I always do, but now I doubt it. I know that after this, my life will change.

I will change.

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