Chapter Fifty-One

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Tyler and I talked just as we usually do when we encounter each other on places.

"Is it true?" I turn my head at him with a confused frown. We were just joking a while back and he suddenly got serious.

What just happen?

"What true?" I asked him.

"That you are going to get engaged with someone else" he said as his face fell as if saddened.

I looked back at the view in front. "Yes I am" I answered solemnly. I don't have to ask how he knew that because he have lots of connections. Even the confidential things in a company is known by him.

"You know we won't be able to talk like this anymore if that happens, right?" He asked as he stare out in the view.

I nodded. Saddened by the fact. I really like him as a friend. He is serious and mature but he can be fun at times. He is just like the band. Cold and authoritive in the outside but warm and loving in the inside.

"Have you met him?"

"Yes" I answered and I feel him tightly closing his eyes.

"Is he treating you good?"

I didn't answer right away because hell, I'm confused. Is he treating me good? Maybe. Is he treating me badly? Kind of.

You're dumber than you look.

His words echoed in my head again and I closed my eyes tightly. My heart aching again ad if he just clenched it tight.

"No, huh?" Tyler guessed. He knows me too well.

"I don't know..." I admitted. "He doesn't treat me good but he doesn't treat me bad either. I just...don't know anymore. Getting shipped off by my family is already too much to handle. I don't think I have time to even think about him and me" I said, suddenly feeling saddened by my realization.

"Do you trust him?" He asked as his dark-gray eyes looked at me, seeing through me as if wanting my full honesty.

"I don't know. I want to but...I just don't think I can" I said.

"Then don't let it happen. Why are you letting them do this to you, Alexandrielle? Why letting them control you and throw away a life you should have? They are just going to ruin you and I don't want you experiencing the way my mother suffered with my dad..." Thinking about it, I know how his mother suffered. She was arranged in a marriage into his dad and he screwed her until she conceived. But his mother know that Tyler will grow up very badly with his dad around him so his mother ran away and raised him alone. "You're my friend, Alexa. You are special to me and you know that" he said while he cups my face with both of his big hands. "You don't have to suffer anymore. You're strong and you can fight. You don't have to be someone that can hurt you"

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