Chapter Thirty-Six

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The room is dark except for the lamp illuminating the room.

I sighed as I close my laptop. God, I'm bored. I've been internet surfing for the last hours but I still couldn't find it in me to get my lazy butt off my bed. I mean, it's comfy so sue me.

Rubbing my eyes, I stood up and half dragged my body to the balcony. I was met by the half dark sky. The cold wind brushing my skin.

I didn't know I used the laptop that long. How long has it been again? Oh well.

Suddenly, my stomach grumbled it's hunger. I guess I need to feed my monster of a stomach.

Walking barefoot through the house, I imagine myself as an ostrich; tall and barefoot.

OK, stop comparing yourself with animals Alexandrielle. Time to feed your monster.

Sliding through the stairs with the handle, I landed in a perfect landing before sprinting to the kitchen.

My stomach grumbled again and I started to scurry through the fridge. Pies, juices, chocolates, steaks...ooh, salads....eggs! Yes! My favorite!

Turning around and twirling happily, my pain from before is already gone as I turn my phone on. Playing the song "Better when I'm dancing" by Meghan Trainor, I started happy dancing while preparing the eggs.

Putting the pan in the stove, I waited til it's hot before putting enough oil. Once hot enough, I cracked the egg and let it out slowly not to break the yolk. I repeated the process while swaying with the beat.

Five eggs later...

I sighed with a bright smile in my face. I checked the time and it says 7:00 in the evening. They'll be home in 7:30. John might be in a party or something. How do I know? I heard it with the gossip group whose voices are too loud to even consider a gossip.

"Nanny! Edmund! Guys! Come on up!" I called out but only Nanny came.

"What is it dear? Do you need something" she asked and I shook my head.

Just then, Edmund came in looking worried before masking it up.

"Anything happened?" He asked looking around. I gave him an eye before answering "Nothing. Join me for dinner!" I chirped happily.

A small smile tugged at his lips. "You're bipolar" he said.

"And why is that?" I asked him with a smile.

"When I pick you up, you're crying and in a bad mood. Now you're all happy and chirpy" he said with a chuckle as Nanny smiles while pulling an orange juice from the fridge.

"Well I guess I'm a bipolar. No need to hide it. Honesty is the best policy" I quoted with a shrug that earns a chuckle from the both of them.

"You don't want to eat with them again?" Nanny asked as we all took a seat.

"Nope. I don't see any reason to eat with them" I said while putting a piece in my mouth.

"They're your family, dearie. Give them a chance." She said soothingly not to provoke me in any way. Edmund nodded in agreement.

"Why would I? Did they give me a chance when they decided to ship me off to total phsycos?" I said. My voice turning tighter.

"No, but would you let this situation of yours stay like this forever? Don't you want it to change?" She asked.

"I want to, but there's no chance. There's no point in fighting for something that gave you up in the first place." I said before taking a glass of orange juice and drank it. Hoping that it will cool down the fire of anger that is building up inside me.

What an idea! It's not water to subside the fire idiot!

The doorbell rang and I got up to take it. But upon opening it, my happiness from before just flushed down the drain.

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