Chapter Nine

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My hands shook as I fight myself to do the right thing - releasing her.

I guess I took so long because my father charged at me and threw me to the floor.

That only added to my fury. I stand up and threw a raging punch right at him as he tried to protect my mom.

He staggered back as he gripped the counter to steady himself. He touched his nose to see blood oozing out from it.

"Provoke her more and you'll get worse than that"

All heads turn to the source of the voice and there stood my grandfather, looking as serious as ever.

"Father, I thought you have left. Leave now, you don't have to see this" my father told him cautiously while wiping the blood from his nose.

"I just came here inside because my instincts told me that something will happen, and I was right. I told you before that she is dominant. The more you provoke her, the more her other side will become hostile to you" he stated calmly while approaching us.

"The more this happens, the more she'll be aggressive..." he looked at me "to the point where she'll kill"

My parent's eyes widened. I too was shocked. I scurried through my brain, looking for my memories. All is filled with violence but not to the verge of blood being shed. My feelings are neutral, no regret, no remorse, no excitement, no hatred, no anger...just an empty void. Am I really capable of killing?

That thought brought shivers through my body.

Grandfather slung his arm around my shoulder "And if I could, I would wish to talk to my granddaughter" he said before leading me to my room.

Once inside, I sat on my queen sized bed, inhaling deeply to calm myself down while grandpa just explored to my room. He disappeared to the living room connected to my bedroom. It consists of a library in the left side of it. On the right are where my techno's are. Huge flat screen TV, a computer, a desk where my laptop is, CD boxes/containers, PSP's and etc.

In the middle of the room is where the TV is, and in front of it are the couches. Three of them which are three-seated person but is wide. I usually sleep there because the middle couch can occupy three person to lie there while the other two can only consist two. At the center was the desktop glass table where I would put my snacks or write sometime.

A while later, he came back. "Your father and mother never learns. I hope Jaken had learned his lesson" he told me.

I just nodded at him. My mind is still comprehending everything. "Grandpa?" I called out to him.


I took a deep breath and asked the question that is bugging me. "Do you believe that I could possibly kill?"


I banged my head in my study table at my room. It's been three hours since grandpa left and I've been doing this module eversince.

Heck! I just finished three modules in the past three hour. Yeah, one module is equal to one hour. I mean come on! A module consists of 300 questions and all are supposed to be searched in the yeah. It took me long. But I'm still lucky because I can answer it faster. Oh, perks of being a businessman's intelligence.

Getting frustrated, I threw my pen to the wall. Satisfied when I heard the loud impact of it, colliding to the wall. Collapsing on the bed,I closed my eyes as I thought about everything that happened today.

Gosh I have a drama-filled life. Damn!

My eyes flew open as I remembered something.

Oh crap! I threw my pen and destroyed it. Now what am I going to use? Oh great! So great Alexandrielle! You're so brainy.

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