Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I swear I became paler at the sight of them all together. Do I look like a ghost now? Bah! Why do I care about what I look at this moment? Gosh I'm an idiot!

"You're early at home" father said as he came in front and ushered all of them in with my mom coming out from the garage.

That's because I ditched school, dick.(Hey, it nearly rhymes 😉)

I thought. Like I'm gonna say that. Heck, I'll be in trouble but they're always tolerating John when he does. Pfft!

"I'm not feeling well" I said. Just then, my eyes landed on Zach and my eyes immediately turn into a glare.

"Well, let's get inside." He said and I turned back and walked to the kitchen. An outward display of disrespect.

Returning to the kitchen, both Edmund and Nanny is looking sympathetic to me. I just smiled and they got the hint. They cleared the table with their plates empty while mine's is halfway finished.

"Aren't you going to finish it?" Nanny asked. I shook my head as I headed to the living room, ready to go to my room.

"Alexandrielle, I believe we have something to discuss" Mr. Harrison's voice resounded.

I groaned internally. I knew we'll have to discuss about this 'ship me off' mantra.

"I guess there is" I said while flopping myself down on one of the couch alone as I was expected.

My heart thumped loudly as I suspected the worst. Am I going to marry him immediately? What about if they decide they'll marry us very soon? How about if they're going to make me a submissive before the marriage? Considering the fact that Zach seems to consider me as one.

So much questions but of course I can't answer them myself now could I? It's not like I have a clue about the answer. Pfft!

"Though our last meeting have to end sooner, I think it should probably best to get on with it. It's been a few days that we have given you your space, you should be able to handle it now" he said and I nodded.

"You're going to have the engagement party this Saturday if that would be OK" he continued but I shook my head.

"I have a plan this weekend Mr. Harrison. I don't think I could cancel it" I told him.

"Then I guess we have to reschedule it to the next Saturday. It's not official anyway" he suggested and I nodded. "Right now, both of you should take note of all the people to attend. It will be a great opportunity to meet both sides" my father's voice suggested and I looked at him. I know he has something in mind.

"That is great indeed. The family and relatives should know each other" Mr. Harrison agreed.

I tensed at that. Relatives? Oh god I'm so dead! Not those annoying brats! Aargh!

"Is there anything else that should be discussed?" I asked. I'm really itching to go to my bed. Hey stop judging! It's comfy OK?

"Oh yeah there is one last thing" mom said. "It is agreed upon that you'll be staying at Zach's house soon after the engagement party so that you'll spend more time together and get to know each other more" she said with a twinkle in her eyes and I felt bile rise in my throat.

"Oh why didn't I expect that?" I said sarcastically as I feel my heart breaking again. I was right. There's no chance to fix my relationship with this so-called-family of mine. I don't think I'll be able to come back to my old sarcastic self anymore. It's impossible now.

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