Chapter Nineteen

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My mouth hung open as I watch him grab Luke's collar and pulled him up to his level. "Stay away from her" he gritted out.

Luke just stare at him in horror "I-I..."

Before I know it, the guy was thrown away and landed with a loud thud. Collective gasps were heard around the table. He made a move towards him but I stood up and stopped him.

"Leave him. He's not worth it" I told him. Surprisingly, my voice is calm and even; the exact opposite of what I'm truly feeling.

This guy really terrifies me. Eversince we've met, I felt nothing for him but fear. He's so intimidating, so strong, so powerful...he's screaming authority that sometimes I feel my legs weaken and get to my knees to submit to him. But I can't. I'm a dominant just like him. Submission is never my thing. I'm a dominant, someone that dominates and never submit. But from the fact that he's way stronger than me, terrifies me. I have never been afraid of anything before in my entire life. But meeting him is my worst nightmare that ever came true.

He grabbed the back of my hair and pulled me closer to him. "You're MINE. Mine and no one else's. No one have the right to touch you, talk to you in any inappropriate way or even look at you in a way I don't see fit" he gritted out in restraint of claiming what is his.

But that's the problem. I'm no one else's. He doesn't own me!

Glaring at him because of his dominating actions in public, I swatted his hands away.

"Listen, Zach..." I said his name with distaste. "I'm no one's possession. Not you, not anyone. I'm on my own. And don't even think of claiming me because over my dead body,-" I poked his chest "I would rather be in hell than be with you"

Turning away and walking out, lunch is easily forgotten as my anger boils in my stomach instead of hunger.

No matter how terrifying and powerful he is, I will NEVER submit to him. No one will.


Barging through the front door in the house again, I was greeted by my father's voice, talking to my...mother.

"What's with you and slamming the door?" He said.

"Why not ask the man you tied me with?!" I angrily snapped.

"What's with him? He's a good man, he-"

"Good? Really? As to what area? Because for all I know, humiliating someone in public does not" I told him with clenched fists.

I've been loosing my self-control lately. I've never been this...violent or out of reason. I have never let my emotions get to me, but why now? Well, I guess finding out that you are going to be shipped away by your parents would do that to you.

"Impossible" he murmured, shaking his head. "You're his-"

I didn't let him finish as I punched him in the face. "Let me make this clear to all of you." I gritted out. My hands trembling due to the restraint from doing more damage to my father as it is. "No one, I repeat NO ONE, has the right to claim me. I'm no one else's. Not you, not him, not anyone who plans to. I'm on my own."

I pushed him back before leaving with one simple lesson learned.

I'm no one else's.

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