Chapter Three

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I pushed the covers off my body with my eyes half open. One fact why I hate school: I always have to wake up early...and I'm not a morning person.

Dragging my heavy body off my precious comfortable bed, I walked towards the bathroom; walking like a living dead.

I seriously call myself zombie girl every morning, sue me.

Turning the shower on without even waiting for it to get warm, I stepped in. I'm accustomed to cold anyway.

8 minutes and 34 seconds I do can count my time.

Wrapping my white fluffy towel, I headed outside to my room. Turning the bright fluorescent light on, I headed to my walk-in closet. It was huge. Very huge actually - which is not needed. On my left is where my casual outfits are. Shirts, blouses, pants, shorts, tank tops, and my undies. It's divided into two. The half of it were my outfits for outside, while the other half was for inside.

On my right is my formal outfits like dresses, skirts, even some gowns. They're not that many because I don't use it often. Bellow them are where my socks, shoes, flipflops, doll shoeses, even heels. Ugh I hate the latter.

And in front of me are three-dimensional mirrors. The cool fact is, the middle mirror can be opened. It consists of my jackets, boots and gangster accessories. Yeah, I'm a gangster...kind of.

'Think of an outfit to make you more presentable and less...aggressive' I thought to myself. Shrugging, I guess I'll have to go with the simple.


"Act nicely. This is a new beginning for you" my mom kept on reminding me of how I should act, talk, and move. For god's sake! I'm a person, I don't need to be told how to act!

I just kept on looking out of my window, I don't have to listen to her.

"Are you even listening to me?" She lightly snaps at me. I felt myself bristle at her tone. My other side/nature doesn't like the way she talks to me.

"Alexandrielle!" I just stared hard at the glass window while clenching my hands into tight fists.

Control yourself. Calm down.

I chanted inside my head. I started to take deep breaths to relax myself.

Thankfully, the school came into view and I jumped out of the car while it's still moving.

"Alexandrielle!!" I hear my mom calling me but I paid her no mind.

The cool air welcomed me as I hurriedly get inside the school; eager to leave her alone.

As soon as I got inside the school building, all eyes turned on me and all became silent.

Shock, fear, and disbelief are displayed on each of their faces. I swear most of them are even gaping with mouths wide open.

If I'm not in a foul mood today, I would've said something sarcastic; but instead, I just headed towards the office to get this day started.

This is going to be a long day.

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