Chapter Thirty-Four

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"What the hell is that all about?!" I was fuming. He humiliated me again by dragging me like some dirty, old rag doll. Like I'm not a human, not a person, especially not like I'm a dominant. And the fact that some of the witnesses are the past people whom I dominated before really feels as if I'm so low now.

Oh this guy really has something coming!

"What do you mean what the hell am I doing? What the hell are you doing?!" He snapped at me and I felt a needle pierce in my heart.

"What am I doing? Let me fire it back to you, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shouted back at him.

First off, what the fuck is wrong with him? He just dragged me out of the room and humiliated me and now he's shouting at me for 'what the hell am I doing?'. Well, what is he doing?

Fuck, why do I ask that question repeatedly. Am I in an unli question or something? Aargh!

"What the hell is wrong with me?! Why do you always have to interfere with my business?" He snapped back. His knuckles turned white due to how tight he's clenching his fists.

"Well what do you want me to do? Watch you throw a tantrum and beat the hell out of them? How about if some didn't go? How about is some are sick and couldn't come? How about if there is an emergency? Huh?!" I fired back at him. What I hate about male dominants are, they always act than think. They don't think about the consequences, the reasons behind...the bigger picture. All they care is dominating and being the superior. And I hate those people who thinks they are above anyone else.

"You damn know well our nature. We're like freaking werewolves who is half human and half beast. You know that in comparison, we are more beast than human, especially males. Did you even think about the consequences of interfering a male dominant while he's raging on?! You could've been hurt! I could've hurt you! For god's sake don't do that again! Are you even thinking or you're too dumb than how you look?"

My eyes widen in shock. My heart ached at his words. How could he? I didn't expect him to be that...worse. I've expected his dominant side. I've expected his ruthlessness. But never did I expect that he'll hurt me in such a petty reason. I don't care if I got hurt while interfering him because I can protect myself. And is it bad to calm him down before he could do something bad? Now I'm the bad guy?!

As soon as he saw how shocked and hurt I was, his eyes soften. "Alexandrielle, I..."

"Don't" I stopped him. I hate people who immediately says sorry after hurting someone. How could they? They know they'll hurt that person but they did it anyways, and now they're gonna say sorry? What is this? Some kind of "act innocent" excuse? Fuckshit!

"If you're so concerned about that shit then fine. I don't care if I'll get hurt because you fucking know I can protect myself. And you're saying that I'm dumber than I look? Fuck you! Why don't you just cancel this fucking marriage then? At least you'll be benefiting yourself than keeping a petty girl who is dumber than she looks." With that said, I turned my back on him and walked out as soon as the few stray tears drop.

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