Chapter Twenty-Nine

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30 minutes...thirty minutes of waiting and still, it's only Jane. No one came. No one arrived. It's like we're waiting for nothing.

Those bastards and bitches!! I swear I'll kill them!!

"It's been half an hour already!!" Zach growled angrily beside me whom his calm attitude morphed into his dominant side.

I couldn't agree more to him. We shouldn't be kept waiting but I still remain in my calm facade, even though inside I'm itching for violence. That'll only add to Zach's fuel which he is already barely holding it.

The door of the orientation room opened and a girl with pale complexion rushed inside and stopped in front of me. She surprised me by kneeling in front of me.

"I'm sorry leader. I-I'm sorry I'm l-late...I-I know a-any excuses is n-not tolerated but s-something came up a-and I was badly needed...and..and-"

"It's OK." I softly told her. I gently took her right upper arm and pulled her up. "What happened that you were delayed?" I asked her comfortingly which eases her tension.

"My-my brother got d-drunk and I have to p-pick him up before he gets into trouble again" she said nervously as if something bad happened.

"What party?" Zach's gruff voice resounded and she became more nervous.

"You don't know?" She asks us uncertainly and we shook our heads.

"I heard there was a party taking place at a football player's house this time. The class went straight to the party after-"

"They did WHAT?!" Both Zach and I roared in unison. What the fuck?! They chose to party than practice? Is that party so important that they have to skip practice?! Those damned brats!

"I'll kill them" Zach gritted out before walking out.

I know where he's going because I'm planning the same thing.

"Where are they?" I asked and she immediately said the adress.

As soon as I got the information I need, I walked out and headed to the parking lot where Zach is throwing his tantrum to those poor garbage cans and other things.

"I know where they are" I calmly informed him and he stalked towards me.

His eyes set in his predatory gaze and I felt myself nearly whimpering. The air around became twisted with his raging dominance, a force on his other side who won't stop until satisfied. A hunger that cannot be fed, and a thirst that cannot be quenched.

Onyx black eyes set on my dark-brown ones. We stare intensely at each other, the air around us getting colder and darker as our dominant side resourfaces.

"I swear I'll kill them" he told me. Voice gruff and edgy, hoarser and huskier than normal. I was right, he is halfly consumed by his other side while mine is completely controlled.

"You can't kill them. We'll be in trouble" I told him.

"You know I'm barely holding it together" he gritted out. He wants a bloodshed but I couldn't let him do that. The people will only fear us more.

"Then calm down" I softly told him, not wanting to aggressive him any further.

He looked at me directly in the eye with his confident and powerful pair of obsidians...

"Calm me"

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