Chapter Thirty-Three

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Head hung low, shoulders hunched, some are crying while some are shaking in fear. A dominant male's fury is something that shouldn't be ticked off. It's aura is twisting, choking, gripping those who are at fault.

Hang on a sec! Since when did I became the narrative type? Oh well.

If you're wondering what in the hamster's son's name is going on? Well I'll enlighten you guys.

We're currently on our classroom with Zach's booming voice. Just after we left the office, his hidden fury just snapped and he unleashes his fury then. The students are all afraid now except me, Jane, and the other nerd that time.

He's shaking as if he's so close to rip them off and beat the hell out of them. I quite admire him for his strong self-restraint. As far as I know, dominants teach the submissives through violence but never in words - except me.

There were times where I would catch the twitching in his muscle that wants to throw a tantrum. Lucky him, I'm here to remind him not to by doing unknown signs and make faint sounds.

Oh what life!

After a while, a guy scoffs at him and that's when hell looses. A blatant disrespect! I also felt it as Zach rushed to him and threw a punch at this bastard, sending him flying to the end of the room.

He stalks toward him but I blocked his path. "Calm down" I told him but I'm quite finding it hard to control myself either.

I walked towards the front of the room while I feel his heated eyes on me.

"One more time that you defy us and all of you will be in your tomb before you even make sense of it. Are we clear?" I seethed out.

No one answered as they cower further in their seats. "I said, ARE WE CLEAR?!"

Choruses of agreements resounded. "Good" I said.

The bell rang and none moved. "You may go out" I said as calmly as I could.

All of them scurry out. Some even stumbled while some accidentally dropped their things.

"Uhhm I think we should go too. Would you guys like to come?" Jane said. She's already getting used to us and I can already feel her confidence.

That is a good achievement - or so I called.

Before I could agree though "You guys just go ahead. There's something we need to discuss" Zach intervened with a dangerous tone.

"Oh...ok" she said before leaving the both of us alone.

I was suppose to turn towards him and give him a piece of my mind when he rudely took my arm and dragged me out of the room.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shrilled in anger as I dug my heels on the ground.

He ignored me as I saw the few students look at us. I was again humiliated. This fucking bastard!

"Zach!! Let me go!!" I shouted but he still ignored me. He took a turn, then another, and another as I kept struggling and screaming.

Before I know it, we're already outside at the back of the school and heading into the woods.

"Zach!!" I pulled my arms out of his grip but he let me go sooner than expected. I stumbled in my tracks before setting a glare towards him.

"What the hell is that all about?!" I was fuming. He humiliated me again by dragging me like some dirty, old rag doll. Like I'm not a human, not a person, especially not like I'm a dominant. And the fact that some of the witnesses are the past people whom I dominated before really feels as if I'm so low now.

Oh this guy really has something coming!

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