When Angels Die

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What happens to an angel when she dies?
How can she be broken

If her eyes have never cried?
Her wings fall from her body,

While they crumble from the lies.
He told her he was sorry.
She said you should've tried.
Promises made with no intention

Of reaching their destination.
Trust died along with her halo

From too much hesitation.
Questioning every spoken word

For the rest of her time on earth.
They both knew for a long time

That they would never really work.
Trying to believe that happiness didn't truly exist.
It was easier to accept the sadness

That was created by the love he vowed and failed to give.
Never really sure if she could even love anymore.
She refused to give up on what they became

When it was no longer worth fighting for.
Every day she watched him change,

More and more in the opposite way.
Every touch of his skin inflicted memories

That still caused her pain.
He promised to protect her from ever being hurt again.
How was she supposed to know

That he would break her heart to pieces in the end?
Her lungs got tighter as her heart finally shattered.
She was giving up and nothing else mattered.
He told her he was sorry while she died inside.
Never really knowing how often she cried.
Her heart told her it was tired of trying.
Convincing her it was time to stop crying.
Shattered pieces of a life

That was once optimistic and strong.
Too many wasted years,

Just being strung along.
She kept her ring on her finger

Right where he placed it.
Closing her eyes,

She allowed herself to finally face it.
She was never meant to be loved and he knew it.
An obligation left him scared

But he still went through with it.
It took a while for her to realize,

Although her heart always saw it coming.
Denial is an expensive drug,

But it costs so much more than money.
He said he was sorry one last time.
She begged for his last words to her

To not be another lie.
He asked her "Where do angels go when they die?"

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