Tonka Tough

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I tried to call you out.
But you could never admit that there might actually be a problem with the person you've become.
So you flip the script and search for sympathy,
While I stand in the guilt completely numb, looking crazy.
You took it way too far this time.
You gathered all your shame and labeled it as mine.
You were always heartless, my dear.
You used to fake it so well,
even through the forced tears.
Now you're just an empty shell of someone who refused to love.
It must be easy to cope with your inner demons,
when you're so used to being hated for what they've created.
Is this how you pictured the world remembering you?
Dying all alone because the ones you thought would care, eventually got to know you.
It must be pretty easy when you never do anything wrong.
You always stay so humble when you're watching me come undone.
I never could stand up to you because you always pushed me down.
Making me feel small enough to hide beneath the ground.
Every time I'd start to accept my scars and allow the wounds to heal,
You'd see my vulnerability and convince me they weren't real.
Just when I would start to think that your heart might actually feel,
You ripped me apart all over again. Just to watch me run on your wheel.
I know that you had pain, too.
But you put it all on me and you still don't see why I blame you.
I know that you love mind games.
You still try to play with mine.
But time without you in my life has showed me that I'll be fine.
I'm no longer affected by the sound of your voice.
I was past feeling guilty when you gave me no choice.
That's when I knew it was time to give up.
But don't worry about me I'll survive this too.
Yes, I'm aware that it will be rough,
But You're the one who always said
"Tonka Tough."

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