Disguise Your Intentions

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You keep saying you're sorry.
It's like you apologize every other day.
Don't you see it doesn't matter anymore when you keep apologizing for the same things?
How can I believe you if you never change?
You don't get to repeat all of your mistakes
And then expect me to accept another apology, like it's all okay.
When are we gonna be done living this way?
When are you gonna realize that I'm not capable of believing a thing you say?
You don't get to ask me why.
It's no longer an apology, it'll always be a lie.
You twist my words right off of your tongue,
And try to convince me that i'm the crazy one.
Well, you can speak a thousand words,
But nothing you say to me now will ever be heard.
I walk around like an empty shell with no real purpose.
I used to be happy when I thought that we were perfect.
No matter how hard we try,
Nothing seems worth it.
You tell me you love me,
But I don't feel it anymore.
I can't keep pretending that my heart's not on the floor.
I stopped believing in you long ago.
There's just too many lies to save this home.
I don't wanna give up on us,
But you'll never gain back my trust.
I'm afraid of being hurt again.
I neglected myself in order to make it end.
I know you're never changing back now.
So what am I supposed to do?
You've broken me too bad now.
I tried to love you through it,
But you just tossed me aside.
Now you're ready to love me and prove it?
You're only proving how well you can still lie.
Disguise your intentions one more time.
I've never fallen for it before,
But you can try.
I was damaged when you met me.
I'm completely broken now.
You didn't just make a mistake,
You chose to tear us down.
You destroyed years of my life
And made me hate myself in the process.
All I did was try to help,
But you pretend you never saw it.
I wanted to believe that you were actually going to change.
I tried so hard to forgive you for everything.
But it's been too long now and you're still the same.
I was terrified to admit it before,
But it's time we face the truth and the close the door.
You're never coming back to me.
No matter how hard you try not to see.
You're not the same person and you never will be.

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