I Don't Need You Anymore

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Paint my face to match my emotions.
We share the same artistic notions.
Maybe you would have loved me if I looked more like you.
An empty soul lined in shades of blue.
There's never been much connecting us but DNA.
And even that seemed pretty easy for you to throw away.
You should have known that it would all catch up to you one day.
I've spent too many years of my life alone.
Crying myself to sleep in someone else's home.
I dreamed about the day that I would grow up and have a family of my own.
I never got to experience what it feels like to be loved.
I thought that I would know by now, but it's just a vision I dreamed up.
It tears me apart inside to think about what I was denied.
I'll never get those years back,
I'll never know the happiness that other kids got to have.
Family always felt unrealistic
I never deserved to be another statistic.
You threw me away like I was useless to you.
You'll never understand the depth of the pain that you put my heart through.
I was just a little girl.
What did I do?
Now that I'm grown and I see things clearly after all of this time,
I realize that your heartlessness was through no fault of mine.
I'm over blaming myself for things I couldn't change.
Like the horrible person that you somehow became.
It was never my fault and I won't apologize.
I made it without you, dad.
And I'm doing just fine.

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