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I'm not naive.
I'm far from clueless.
You underestimated just who you were dealing with.
Haven't you learned anything by now?
I have ways of finding everything out.
I'm not dumb enough to think that things will actually change just because you say you're sorry.
I can't keep hurting this way.
I can't keep ignoring your mistakes.
You have no intentions of making any kind of change.
And It's obvious you feel no shame.
Somethings gotta give.
It just keeps staying the same.
I've had enough experience with these kinds of things in my life,
To know that every apology is just a way of stalling before the next lie.
This time you're gonna have to convince me.
You're actually gonna have to try.
If you're really that oblivious to how much I've been hurting,
Then it shouldn't be hard to figure out that this hasn't been working.
I don't wanna give up on you,
But you've already given up on us.
What's left, if there is no trust?
I don't wanna have to say goodbye,
But I have no reason to stay if you refuse to try.
Don't put the blame on me.
It's not my fault you couldn't see.
I told you I would give you one more chance to change.
You lied to my face and made a  promise to me.
I wanted to believe you so bad.
I needed to get us back.
But I'm all out of tears to cry.
And i'm too exhausted now to try.
So just remember as I walk away,
You did this to yourself.
You're the one to blame.

One Thousand TearsWhere stories live. Discover now