It's Going To Kill Me

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We lost everything good about us.
Everything that made us work
Now just feels like too much work.
At first we thought we fell in to a love that neither of us were used to.
But history is showing us that you just fell in lust and got confused.
You chose your desire over me every single time.
And you'll keep making the same choice because your heart was never really mine.
10 years I've been by your side.
We've been through hell and back but we still kept trying.
Somewhere along the way,
you decided to give up even though you made me stay.
Look at us now.
Are we still the perfect ones that we pretend to be?
Are we still madly in love, like we make them all believe?
We lay in bed and we don't speak.
When you kiss me goodbye,
I no longer feel a thing.
It's like I've become comfortably numb to your presence.
Like all the pain you make me feel inside is on hold for your existence.
Trying to find a love that I thought we once had,
Is torturing me in so many ways and it hurts so fucking bad.
I tried for too long to fix us on my own.
Now I'm just exhausted and tired of feeling so alone.
The lies and the games are so old,
it's pathetic.
I can't do it anymore.
You've changed and you don't regret it.
I don't wanna love someone who could never put me first.
I don't deserve the person you've become and that hurts.
I hope it was worth it and made you happier than me,
Because it's all you're gonna have left when I leave.
If I have to say goodbye this time,
I think I'm ready and I'm willing.
I can't love you anymore.
Because it's going to kill me.

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