Quick Author's Note

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Hello Lovely Readers!

This is just a quick notice to say that this story is the sequel to my other story, "Where She Went". If you haven't read it, then I strongly encourage you to go back and read that one first!

To everyone who has read "Where She Went"...SURPRISE!!!! Y'all didn't seriously think I was gonna end it that way, did ya? Ahh I just wish I could see all your faces flushing with relief right now lol! Seriously though how many of y'all were legitimately surprised? Haha ok, yeah, I'm done being mean! The adventure is NOT over yet! And I really hope that y'all enjoy it!

I also just wanted to tell y'all that school has really just been taking over my life lately since I'm playing catch-up with my new degree plan. I probably won't have a new update as often as I would like, but I do want to be consistent with y'all. I know that one update every other week can be a long wait, but I really want to make sure that I'm not slacking off on this story just to post a new chapter right away! My lovelies deserve the best lol! And I promise that once things get easier I'll start updating sooner! So thank you SO much in advance for being patient with me!

Love y'all!


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