No Consolation

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If she was told to run, she ran. If she was told to slow down, she did. Talia did exactly as she was told. It was the only way she could keep people from talking to her. It had been hours since the fellowship escaped Moria. At this point, Talia had completely forgotten where they were going. She wasn't thinking about anything anymore. Not Oin, not Ori, not Gandalf, not even the Ring, or her mission. And she didn't care.

Many of the Dwarves made their attempts to approach her in order to console her. All but Thorin had given up. She wouldn't talk to them, she wouldn't even look them in the eye. What was the point? She was empty.

The fellowship was beginning to enter a green field when Talia felt a hand on her shoulder. "Don't ignore me, Talia." Thorin pressed. The young woman didn't respond. She only continued to walk in the direction that Aragorn was leading them. But then Thorin stood in front of her and put his other hand on her corresponding shoulder so she could walk no further.

"Stop this. Do you hear me? You stop this now." he demanded, lifting her chin to try to get her to meet his gaze. She only looked the other way. Thorin shrugged with frustration. "You think you're the only one grieving? Oin was my friend for years! I've known Ori since the day he was born! And yet you ignore us as if we don't feel what you feel?" Thorin challenged, trying to keep his voice at an even volume. Talia said nothing, and continued to look away from him, waiting for him to let her go.

But Thorin didn't release her. Instead, he turned her head towards the fellowship. "Look at these men. Look at them! They don't have to be here, but they are. They're here for you. They're standing beside you. And look at how you've treated them!" Thorin sneered.

Talia looked among the men that volunteered to join her. Boromir and Legolas traveled with their heads down, only looking up to make sure they were still following Aragorn, who was now picking up the lead from Gandalf. And her Dwarves...she could see the frown Bofur wore from here, and Fili and Kili...they looked like they were about to cry, and their faces looked even more cautious when they would gaze at her every now and then. And the sad thing was that the caution was probably coming from their thoughts of the position she and their uncle were in at the moment.

Thorin then brought her head back to face him. "I shouldn't have to tell you to look at me. I shouldn't have to tell you to speak to me! Or tell you to come to me when you're in need! What do I have to say or do for you to get over yourself? Is my love not enough?" he challenged. He would've said more, Talia knew he would've said more, if it weren't for Aragorn calling out to the fellowship, telling them to run. Thorin sighed angrily, and let Talia go so they could follow. The young woman stared at Thorin as she ran, finding her chest feeling even more bruised than it did before.

The fellowship soon entered a green forest. The trees were tall, and many leaves were falling to the ground. Talia was soon met with Gloin, who took her by the shoulder. "You stay close now. They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods, an Elf-witch, of terrible power." he warned.

Talia furrowed her brows, the first expression she'd given since they escaped Moria, and she looked over to Dwalin for a second opinion. The warrior cocked an eyebrow. "It's true. All who look upon her, fall under her spell..."

Suddenly, Dwalin's voice faded. Another voice echoed in the young woman's ears. "Talisa." a woman's voice whispered. Talia whipped her head in the direction she thought she heard the voice, but found that she was the only woman in sight. It had to have just been in her head.

"...and are never seen again." she heard Dwalin finish. Talia narrowed her eyes at the story, but then the voice chimed in again.

"You're coming to us..." the voice whispered in Talia's ear. This time, Talia stopped in her tracks, looking around and trying to spot the source of the voice. " as the footsteps of doom. You bring great evil here, Ring bearer." She couldn't find her. She couldn't find the woman. What was this? Was this real? Or was she just going crazy?

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