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It was the sun shining through the window that woke Thorin from his sleep. The Dwarf king rubbed his eyes and felt something shift against his side as he did. That was when he recalled the events of last night. Thorin turned his head to see his Talia curled up against him, and he smiled slightly at the fact that her face was concealed by her short, messy curls.

Thorin carefully snaked his arm back underneath her neck, as the both of them had shifted during the night, and he pulled her back into him. He carefully brushed her hair out of her face, and smiled wider at how peaceful his beloved looked in her sleep. The Dwarf king began to stroke her cheek with his knuckles, slowly coaxing her awake.

It was a few minutes before Talia let out a sleepy moan, and Thorin took the opportunity of her now open mouth to tilt her chin up and softly claim her lips. Talia slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Thorin groggily. The Dwarf king let out a chuckle as she groaned once more and buried her face in his chest. Thorin tightened his hold on her and stroked her back.

"Good morning, Ghivashel." he whispered. Talia only pressed herself further into him.

"No. Go away." she muffled, causing Thorin to smirk.

"But you're on top of me-"

"Shut up!" Talia growled. Thorin couldn't help but laugh a little. Talia never was a morning person, and he actually felt fortunate that she wasn't shouting or swearing at him for waking her up. Luckily for him, not but five minutes passed before she turned to look up at him with sleepy eyes. "I don't wanna get out of bed. You're too comfy. And you're warmer than my blanket." Thorin chuckled at her remark and cupped her cheek, leaning down to kiss her once more.

Thorin frowned when Talia pulled away almost immediately and covered her mouth with her hand. "What's the matter?" he asked, wondering what he did wrong. Talia actually giggled a little.

"I totally have morning breath right now. You can't tell me that's not gross." Thorin blinked and let out a laugh of relief. He cupped her cheek once more and pressed his lips to her forehead.

"Is this better?" he asked knowingly.

Talia chuckled and closed her eyes. "Yeah, a bit." she sighed, savoring the feel of Thorin's lips against her skin.

He didn't seem to be finished yet. Thorin moved down to kiss Talia's cheek, and Talia gasped when he moved even lower to kiss her neck. Slowly, he rolled so that he was now on top of her, and he could feel chills crawling up his spine as Talia snaked her fingers up his back and began running her nails through his scalp. As he deepened his kisses between her neck and her ear, Thorin slipped his hand up Talia's shirt, bringing a soft moan from her lips. He slowly made his way up her middle, relishing in the feel of her smooth skin against his calloused palm. As he moved in to take her breast in his hand...that was when Thorin got a grip on his senses and pulled away.

Thorin sat up in bed and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry." Talia awkwardly apologized. Thorin only shook his head, ashamed that he lost his self control. He couldn't meet Talia's eyes as she sat up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey. Look at me." she commanded gently. The Dwarf king sighed and turned to see her looking at him with empathy. "I wanted it too, ok? It's not all your fault." Thorin ran a hand through her short hair and pressed his forehead against hers.

"Forgive me." he whispered.

"No. There's nothing to forgive." she assured him.

The Dwarf king pulled away and held his beloved's face in his hands. "I will do right by you. I will honor you in every way possible." he swore, both to her and to himself.

Had Thorin ever thought he would've found a woman in his life, he would've made...different decisions. But Talia wasn't real to him then, she wasn't even close to being a possibility. Though he felt nothing for the past women he'd been with...if he were to break this promise...then what would make Talia any different from the others? What would make her any different from some random barmaid in a tavern? No, he would show just how special Talia was to him, that he adored her heart before he ever even began to feel desire for her body, and he was willing to wait in order to do just that.

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