Deep Scars

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He didn't bother knocking as he entered her room. Dwarves were so accustomed to putting many layers of clothing on, Thorin already knew that Talia would be ready before he was. The Dwarf king was clad in a sky blue tunic, black trousers, and silver steel toe boots. They had been in Gondor for over a month now. The city had finally found some order after all the chaos, and it was time that they crown their new king.

Thorin didn't know Aragorn well, but the rest of his company could say otherwise. He went to save Fili and Kili when they were captured by the Uruk-hai. He earned the respect of Dwalin and Gloin, something that was not easily given. Hearing these things as well as carrying Talia through Caradhras was enough for Thorin to respect him. On top of that, he believed that Aragorn would make a valuable ally in the future. According to the message he received from Dis and Balin, Erebor would need all the help they could get. They had suffered a great deal from the wars against the enemy.

The Dwarf king was ready to return home. He craved to be back in his mountain, and to take Talia with him. He often thought about what Talia said to him on the quest about not wanting to return to Erebor, but...she agreed to marry him. As he healed from his wounds, Talia never left his side. She was with him on both the good days and the bad. Those weren't the actions of someone who didn't want to return with him. So he chose not to bring up the subject quite yet. He would rather cross that bridge when they got there.

His eyes lit up when he opened the door to find Talia sitting by the fireplace, looking into the flames. She turned her head instantly and smiled, getting up to greet him. Talia got on her toes to wrap her arms around his shoulders, and he gladly returned the embrace. He could still feel how unnaturally thin she still was, but was glad to hear from the healers that she had been gaining her weight back slowly.

When Talia let go, she beamed at him. "Awe, you look so handsome!" she grinned, bringing a smile from Thorin as he looked her over. She was wearing a long, flowing yellow gown with wisps of silver decorating the bodice. The colors complimented her olive skin tone perfectly, and she looked so...innocent. Thorin could recall one other time he saw Talia in a dress. He would be lying if he didn't admit that he wished she would wear them more often. This simple gown highlighted her beauty in a way that her Terran clothes never did. She looked like a queen. Thorin felt his heart pounding with pride. Soon, she would be his queen.

"Are you finished yet?" she snorted, causing Thorin to blink. He felt his ears heating up as he realized he'd been staring.

"I might need another moment or two." he confessed, bringing a laugh from Talia.

"Well if we're late, I won't hesitate to blame you, Stupid Dwarf." she warned with a smirk.

Thorin chuckled. "There's only one thing I'd like to do before we go." he assured her. Talia raised her brows as he took a step towards her. Thorin took the silver bead she was wearing around her neck into his palm. "You haven't done anything with your hair." he noted. "May I?"

His smile widened as a blush bloomed on Talia's cheeks. She gave a shy nod. "Yeah...if you want."

Thorin nodded as he brought Talia to the chair. She sat down and Thorin took a step behind her. He undid the band that tied back the top half of her hair. He was able to take a small section from the top and weave a small braid into her curly, shoulder-length locks. It was easier than the last time he did this in Terra. He was also able to do a little more, thanks to the extra couple of inches he now had from her hair growth. When he was finished, Talia handed the bead back to him, and with it, he secured his work at the tail of the braid.

Talia got up to go into the bathroom to eye the braid in the mirror. Thorin chuckled when she came out with a big smile. "I should've asked you to do this way sooner. I love it!" she giggled, gently running her fingers down the braid, and tucking it behind her ear.

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