Unlikely Fellowship

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Talia wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead as she made her way down her path. It had been a couple of hours since she left Rivendell, with the now stolen Ring chained around her neck, and it had been the hardest hours of her life.

The second Thorin had left for the council meeting this morning, Talia turned around and set off to her room. It didn't take much for her to pack. She took the loaves of bread in her room that were meant to be her breakfast, and made a plan to steal more food from the kitchen when she was ready to set out. She put on a pair of Elven leggings that she was sure were meant for a child...though they still served more so as pants to her. The young woman slipped her mithril vest on, and covered it up by slipping Thorin's shirt on over it.

The young woman then turned to grab her weapons. She stroked her fingers over the sheath of her sword before pulling it out of the sheath to gaze at the blade. Her Silver Sisters. She remembered the day Gandalf gave them to her, and she remembered the multiple times they had guarded her life. Never had she thought they'd have to perform that kind of task so intensely once more. With that, Talia blinked her reminiscing away, and strapped the blades to her waist.

With the top half of her hair tied back, and her black and white letterman jacket buttoned, she was ready to set out. But she was nearly ready to put everything down and stop when Siggy followed at her heels. No. Talia couldn't let her come, as she didn't even know what kind of dangers she'd be getting herself into. She knew the Elves would care for her, and with that, Talia bent down to hug her dog once more, burying her fingers in her fur, and feeling the first of her tears beginning to stream down her face. She whispered goodbye and had to close the door on her with effort. She made her decision, and with that came sacrifices.

It didn't take much effort to snatch the Ring away. It was lying in its usual spot, in plain sight, and anyone who was around was too distracted with their bickering to see her. She had everything she needed to go within less than an hour.

She had cried nonstop for the first hour she was on the road. It slowed her down greatly, as she continuously had to look at the map she stole out of the library to stay on the right track, and her endless tears had blurred her vision. She couldn't keep Thorin and her Dwarves out of her head. What were they doing right now? Did they know the Ring was gone by now? Did they know she was the one who took it? What was their reaction?

Thorin. Her poor, poor Dwarf! It plagued her mind with no sense of release. What she had done to him. One could say that she now had truly left him, and he would have every right to blame her for it. After all the patience he forced himself to have in order to bring her home with him. After all the pressure he had put on himself to make things right with her. After she witnessed how truly terrified he was of losing her. And this is what she does to him. She snuck away from him to embark on a dangerous quest that could possibly end her life. Talia didn't even want to know how he reacted if he were ever to find out the truth.

Yet, she couldn't stop herself from making this decision. She didn't want to admit how long she had actually been debating this. It ended with the Terran deciding that she did not return to Middle Earth only to watch it fall. Plus, there was the fact Talia was the one who had found the Ring, and exposed it to Middle Earth once more, and after discovering how truly dangerous it was...she felt it only fair that she be the one to end it. Why should she let someone else take the risks of this quest, all for her mistake?

The young woman continued down the road when she heard the sound of hooves on the ground and the echoing of men's voices. Talia froze to listen. The noise continued for a few seconds, but then the air was silent. The Terran furrowed her brows. She was either hearing things, or whatever it was that was out there, they had moved in a different direction.

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