Getting Along

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It had been nearly three weeks, and Talia was growing impatient. She always thought that girls were the ones who bickered all the time, but the men? It was like dealing with a full class of toddlers! The Dwarves don't want the Elves handling the Ring, and the Men would rather take the Ring to use it for themselves. Talia was actually surprised that she hadn't dropped the mic and walked out yet. She didn't know how much more of this she'd be able to take.

Speaking of men and their childish ways, it only took a few days for Talia to put together the pieces as to why Fili and Kili...mostly Kili, wanted to spend so much extra time with her. Though she knew that he genuinely wanted to be with her, it didn't take her long to figure out that he also had an ulterior motive in mind.

Talia knew that the boys and Thorin hadn't exactly been getting along very well since she...left the mountain, but she had never imagined this. In the last few weeks, Talia had hardly even gotten the chance to be alone with her Dwarf, the brothers were pulling her away so much, plus there was the fact that the others also wanted time with her too. She couldn't help but feel a little hurt. The three Dwarves that she cared so much about could hardly even have a real conversation, and they were using her in order to make their points. The young woman shook her head as she finished the touches of making her bed. This had to stop. They had to make up at some point, and if she had to be the one to practically mother them into it, then so be it.

Talia was just about to head out the door when someone beat her to it. Siggy barked loudly at the sound of the knock, and Talia opened the door a crack to see one of the last people she could ever expect. "Is it a bad time?" Dis asked. The young woman shook her head, still holding Siggy back with her leg.

"No, come in." she replied. Talia couldn't help but giggle as Siggy came jumping on the princess, however, she was surprised when Dis simply bent down and placed her hand on top of Siggy's head.

"Wow, you are doing much better than your brother did when Siggy first jumped all over him." she chuckled.

Dis gave a smirk. "I can imagine. Even by Dwarven standards, Thorin is terrible with animals. He never grasped the concept." Talia couldn't help but give a laugh. When she took a breath to calm down, her smile faded ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry. Was there something I could help you with?" she asked.

During the weeks that they've been in Rivendell, Talia could tell that Dis wasn't exactly a big fan of hers. The way she looked at her and spoke to her nearly reminded her of the opinion that Thorin had of her when they first knew each other. However, Dis was never anywhere close to being as biting and aggressive as Thorin was. She was always polite, but she did give the hint that Talia wasn't going to win her over that easily, no matter what Thorin or her sons thought of her.

"Would you mind sitting down?" Dis asked, gesturing to the sofa. The Terran shook her head.

"No, not at all." The two women took their seats somewhat awkwardly, and there was a small pause before Dis finally began.

"I've been watching you for the time we've been here, Talia. While I'm being honest, I thought that you were far from the woman I thought Thorin could ever be with. Sometimes, I still don't understand it. But, I've seen the way you are with my sons, and it is no question that they love you. I've seen the way you are with Thorin...and I have to say that I envy you. I wish I could get him to smile like that." Dis paused before continuing. "My brother is not playing around with you, Talia. That's why I was skeptical of you at first. What I truly mean to say was never my intention to appear harsh or-"

"Dis, I know what you were doing, and it's okay. You were trying to protect your family. I know that I'm a stranger to you, and you don't know me very well. But I do want you to know that I'm not making a game out of anyone's feelings. I love Thorin, and the last thing I wanna do is hurt him. I know you did what you did because you wanted to protect him. You love your brother, no more than I loved mine." she assured her.

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