Someone Else

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A couple of days had passed since the fellowship had entered the mines of Moria. They traveled in silence, with Gandalf taking the lead. Most were silently grieving their fresh loss. Talia walked through the darkness of the mines numbly, carrying the Ring around her neck with a bitter heart. She'd be lying if she said she knew where exactly her legs were taking her. She likely would've gotten lost within five minutes if it hadn't been for Thorin walking behind her, occasionally having to put his hand on her shoulder in order to keep her from straying.

It was only a few moments longer before Dwalin decided to break the silence. "You know what I just realized, Thorin? You have hardly spoken of your adventures during your time in Terra." Talia furrowed her brows at the comment, clearly sensing the smirk in Dwalin's voice.

"Perhaps it is because it's my business." Thorin retorted.

"Oh, is it now? Your lass told me a nice little story. She tried to minimize the seriousness of the matter, I know that. But I know it was far more than what she led me to believe." Dwalin snickered.

Talia narrowed her eyes as she felt Thorin's gaze on the back of her neck. "What on earth-"

"I have no idea what he's talking about." Talia stated with her hands up, her brows creasing even further, wondering where Dwalin was going with this.

"Tell us what it is Thorin, the great machine that made you jump out of your trousers. What is this...toaster?"

She didn't even have time to hold in her breath. The laugh just came bursting out of her from nowhere, nearly bringing her to her knees. A few of the Dwarves let out confused chuckles, nearly everyone else was staring at her blankly, and Thorin looked completely betrayed. "You told?" Thorin hissed. It took a little while, but Talia finally collected herself and turned her head around as she continued to walk.

"No, I didn't say a word to him! Although...I may have mentioned it to your sister." Talia admitted. Thorin narrowed his eyes as he and Talia turned back to Dwalin. The warrior shrugged his shoulders.

"You were trying so hard to talk over your laughs that I couldn't help but overhear, lassie." Talia gaped at the remark, knowing that Dwalin did a little more than just quietly pass by her closed door that day. "Well, aren't you going to tell us all what a toaster is, lass?" Dwalin challenged.

"Um, I would, but I get this feeling that you already know what it is!" Talia retorted. The warrior only smirked in reply.

"Then I guess I'll explain it to everyone." However, before Dwalin could say a word, a force hit him right in the gut, the force of Thorin's fist. The warrior hunched over coughing, and right when it looked like he was about to lunge at his king, the voice of Gandalf interrupted the scene.

"I have no memory of this place."

They had been waiting for what felt like half a day. Aragorn and Boromir had built a fire, and everyone else was scattered around, sitting and waiting. Talia was sitting with Fili and Kili, the two brothers nagging at her in attempts to find out what exactly a toaster is. The young woman rolled her eyes and turned her head when she heard a huff from the Wizard.

"We're lost, aren't we?" Kili asked with a roll of his eyes.

"No." Fili shook his head.

"I think we're lost." Kili retorted.

"Well, maybe if you would let Gandalf concentrate!" Fili whisper-yelled.

"Fili?" Kili asked.

The blonde prince raised his eyebrows. "What now?"

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