Suspicions Confirmed

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He could feel his eyes growing heavy as he watched her. Talia had fallen asleep a long while ago, but Thorin couldn't bring himself to get up. He just wanted to hold her, he just wanted to not have to worry about anything anymore.

But he was worried. He was worried the second Talia closed her eyes, the second she wasn't there to distract him anymore. Thorin couldn't help but think about how he saw her retching everything she ate in a day, how her walk was weakening, and how thinned she had become.

He didn't even notice until the last few days, when Talia would actually allow him to hold her. Her thick, bulky clothes had hidden it from him for so long, to the point in which Thorin questioned how long it had been going on in the first place. Thorin tightened his hold on Talia ever so slightly. She was Mahal, she was so skinny, almost sickly.

She was throwing up so much, all while eating and resting so little. Thorin didn't know what else he could do. They had no medicine, and Mahal knew that Thorin was no healer. But even if Oin was here, Thorin was sure that he would tell him nothing that he didn't already know. She needed fresh water, real food. Most importantly, she needed rest. Thorin knew exactly what Talia needed, but he either couldn't give it to her or Talia wouldn't allow him to give it to her.

That was something that Thorin didn't understand at all. The Dwarf king had his fair share of moments, moments in which he was vulnerable and in need of help. Though he may have been obstinate at first, he always allowed Talia to help him. Talia nursed him back to health in Terra when he took sick, and he opened up to her about his frequent nightmares. He even allowed her to see him in a state that he would allow no one to see.

But Talia hadn't exactly done the same for him. Why wouldn't she let him do what she's done for him? Why wouldn't she allow him to take care of her? As much as he admired her independence, Thorin only wished that Talia would express that...that she needed him, just a little bit more.

As much as he tried to look past it, the fact that Talia did everything to avoid leaning on him hadn't gone unnoticed. Thorin told Talia many times that she could always come to him when she was in trouble, yet she still wouldn't listen. Why? Was it something he said? Something he did? Why couldn't she trust him the way he trusted her?

The Dwarf king shook his head. This wasn't the time to be getting frustrated with Talia. They would have plenty of time to talk about the flaws of their relationship once all of this was over. Right now, they only had each other. They couldn't afford to go back to fighting the way they were. Thorin eyed his Talia once more, and gave a small smile at her peaceful face. Despite his thoughts running through his mind like quicksilver, Thorin's eyes drifted closed, not even bothering to wonder if he should keep watch.

It felt like he merely blinked before his eyes shot open again. Thorin let out a silent growl at the sound he woke up to. The Dwarf king peered over Talia's head to find Gollum talking in his sleep. He was about ready to turn to the other side to ignore him when the creature began to say more.

"Too risky, too risky. Thieves! They stole it from us. Kill them, kill them, kill them both!" he muttered, suddenly waking up with a scream. Thorin narrowed his eyes as he felt his heart beginning to pump. He knew it. He had always known that Gollum had more in mind than just showing them the way into Mordor. But Thorin didn't get up, not just yet. He needed to know exactly what he was planning.

The Dwarf king quickly shut his eyes as Gollum passed him, heading to the nearby pool. "Shh! Quiet! Mustn't wake them! Mustn't ruin it now!" Gollum growled, but there was something different about his voice. This time, it was lower, harsher.

"But they knows! They knows! They suspects us!" the creature wailed, causing Thorin to narrow his eyes even further. It was as if Gollum had two creatures inside him, two different personalities, talking to each other.

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