Adjustments and Projects

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Time was oblivious to her. She didn't know how long she'd been standing there, holding on to Thorin's furs as if they were a lifeline. She didn't remember how long her cries lasted, or when her last tear fell. All Talia was aware of was that she didn't want this moment to end. She wanted to remain safely tucked away in Thorin's strong arms, where she was finally able to breathe as he crushed her against him.

She promised herself that she wouldn't cry. No matter what happened, she would stay strong and independent. But Talia was surprised she was able to hold it in for as long as she had, especially when Thorin said he still loved her. She couldn't hold it in anymore when Thorin caught her in a lie, when he caught her being too stubborn with her own self. The young woman couldn't even look at him, she was so humiliated by the desperate sounds that came out of her mouth. When Thorin drew her into his embrace, she couldn't help but resist, knowing the gesture would only make her cry harder.

It proved to be a useless tactic, as her aching to be with him was too great. Talia couldn't help but sob even harder when Thorin kissed her forehead, telling her that he had forgiven her for all her faults. And when he admitted that he missed her...the young woman couldn't help but smile into his chest as she cried, knowing that he would never leave her if he had his way.

Even though it had been a while since she calmed down, Talia still held on to him. The young woman couldn't find it in herself to let him go, not just yet. And...she had to admit that for someone who hardly ever initiates physical contact, Thorin gave pretty great hugs! Talia couldn't help but softly smile as she closed her eyes against his chest, nearly letting the feel of his hand stroking her back lull her to sleep. Talia could breathe her last in Thorin's arms and be perfectly content. It was where she felt the most at home, now that she felt more or less like a stranger in both worlds she's been to.

It wasn't until she heard the growling of her stomach that Talia finally shifted, causing Thorin to lift his head from hers. "Are you alright?" he softly asked. The young woman nodded before looking up at him with a quirk of her lips.

"Am I all tomato-faced right now?" she asked hoarsely, bringing a slight chuckle from Thorin. He shook his head slightly, which caused Talia to give a tiny smile. "I'm gonna get breakfast." she said, and Thorin nodded before she turned to go to the kitchen. The young woman made her way directly to the sink, and briefly splashed her face with cold water. "Have you eaten anything?" Talia asked, turning around to see Thorin wrap his cloak around a chair by the dining table before seating himself.

"I have, don't worry about me." he told her, causing Talia to furrow her brows as she pat her face dry with a paper towel.

"Really? What did you have?" she asked curiously.

"Eggs." he responded simply. The young woman blinked, and looked over to find that the sink had no dishes in it, and the counters were spotless. The entire kitchen had no proof that it had been in use since last night.

Talia looked back at Thorin and raised her brows. "Thorin, do you know what this is?" she asked, placing her hand on the stove.

"You expect me to know?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

The young woman smirked. "So, what you're telling me is that you like to eat your eggs raw out of the shell?" she challenged. Thorin didn't respond, but Talia was able to catch the slight turn of the corner of his lips, bringing a small laugh from her own. "Yeah, nice try, but you're in my kingdom now." she smirked, causing Thorin to gape ever so slightly, as if he'd never fully grasped the concept of adjusting to her world before.

The young woman let out another laugh. "Seriously, Thorin, I might not be able to cook a legit meal for shit, but I can make eggs." she assured him. The Dwarf king began to shake his head.

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