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It was a few hours before sunset when they arrived. When the hoods that were placed over their heads were removed, he saw the waterfall at the entrance of the cave, and he knew where they were. Thorin had never been anywhere near Henneth Annun before, he never even heard much about the place itself. He only knew that the Men of Gondor had used it as a refuge, and that they were very secretive and protective over it. But at least he now knew who he and Talia had been taken by. Men of Gondor.

The captain of the rank that captured them approached. "My men tell me that you are Orc spies." he told them.

Thorin furrowed his eyebrows, but Talia cut in before he could. "Spies? We look like spies to you? Your men are really shitty judges of character." she spat.

"Well if you're not spies, then who are you?" he questioned. When neither of them answered, the captain sat down calmly. "Speak." he commanded firmly, but not harshly.

Thorin looked over at Talia, who was glaring at the ground with her lips pressed into a thin line. She wasn't going to say anything she didn't want to, not with how the Ring has been causing her to behave as of late. The Dwarf king had no choice. He couldn't afford to be stubborn if they wanted to be released.

"This is Talia Russo of Terra. And I am Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain, and you and your men have no right to detain us." he asserted.

The captain widened his eyes if only a little, but he immediately took hold of his expression. "We are at war, my lord. Strangers who cross these lands must be questioned lest they be in league with the enemy."

"We are not your enemies." he clipped angrily.

"Not yet." the captain replied coolly. Thorin's glare deepened when he turned his eyes to Talia. "And who is this Talia Russo of Terra to you? Your wife? Gondor did not receive the news that you had wed."

Talia rolled her eyes and responded before Thorin could. "Probably because we're not married, idiot."

That turned his attention over to her. "Then tell me, sweet lady, what are you to him? Why would the Mountain King bring a woman on a journey such as this? Does he want something from you?" he asked quietly, and Thorin gritted his teeth when he found the Man's eyes skimming their way up and down her body.

Talia raised her brows in disgust. "Um, not that." she snarled.

"I find that hard to believe. We all saw you sick back there." he stated.

"Ok? What does that have to do with anything?" Talia challenged.

The captain gritted his teeth, close to losing his patience. "I want the truth of this, and I want it now. Are you with child?"

"You son of bitch-" Talia started.

"Are you?" he insisted.

"Of course not!" she snapped.

Thorin widened his eyes in rage. How dare they. How could anyone think so lowly of him that they would dare accuse him of embarking on a dangerous journey, and choosing a whore as his companion to satisfy him along the way? That they would dare accuse him of bringing a pregnant woman this far out into the wild? He was not some wild savage. The Dwarf king forced himself to bite his tongue, preventing himself from saying anything. Their opinions of him didn't matter at the moment. He and Talia were still their captives, and so much as the wrong words could keep them captives.

The captain stared at Talia after she gave her answer, probably debating whether she was telling the truth. When he finally blinked, he decided to move on. "And where is your skulking friend? That gangrel creature. He had an ill-favored look." he questioned. Thorin and Talia stared at each other. It was the first time he noticed that Gollum was nowhere to be found. He must have crawled away before they were grabbed. And only Mahal knew where he could be now if he wasn't caught.

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