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The young woman was strolling down the pathways of Rivendell, breathing in the fresh air with a smile. She was glad that last night happened. Though there were many hard feelings, Thorin and his nephews had finally come to an understanding. Talia hoped that from here on out, they could be family to one another again. The young woman was then pulled out of her thoughts when she saw a familiar face, and she smiled as he stared up into the sky.

"You're looking happy this afternoon." Talia commented. Fili looked up at her with a smile, but then he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You're not at the council meeting." he said.

Talia raised her brows at that. "Neither are you." she lightly retorted. It was the first time the young woman had blatantly decided not to attend the council meeting. The only way she'd ever go back was if she was assured that something productive would get done. And...she had to admit that she was feeling a bit of...regret, when it came to the Ring. She was the one who found it. If she had just left it alone, no one would be stuck here, debating on how to handle the possible end of Middle Earth. Sitting at those meetings was just a reminder. Those men were all gathered around because of her. They were possibly fearing for their lives and the lives of their loved ones because of her.

Fili paused as the young woman knelt down to sit next to him. "I didn't see the point. It'll all end the same way." he admitted.

"You're not the only one who's had that thought." Talia wryly agreed.

Fili gave her a knowing look. "So what do you think about all this? I mean, you're the one who's had the Ring in your pocket this whole time." he asked.

Talia shrugged. "I think someone should just suck it up and volunteer to get rid of the stupid thing. I've noticed that no one has actually offered to take it. Everyone just fights about who's worthy of taking it." Fili nodded at her answer. Talia looked down. "I feel guilty about it sometimes." she admitted.

"What do you mean?" Fili asked.

"I feel guilty about finding the Ring. None of this would be going on if I'd just left it where it was." At that, Fili placed his hand under her chin and made her face him.

"Yes, and if you had never found it, you would never have survived the Battle of the Five Armies. If you had never found it, the company would still be sitting in the dungeons of Mirkwood. If you had never found it, you would be lying dead in the Goblin tunnels. It's true, your finding of the Ring has caused much trouble, but I would never change it if that meant that you wouldn't be sitting here with me today."

The young woman gave a sad smile. "You're sweet, but I don't think others would have that exact same opinion." she told him.

Fili narrowed his eyes. "I don't care what others may think. They don't know you. But I do. I know that you are the sweetest sister anyone could ever ask for. I know that you make my uncle happier than he's been ever since I can remember. And I know that you're the only one in that council who doesn't stare at that Ring with some kind of longing. Even though the men know it is treacherous, a part of them still wants it! But you don't, and it only shows how much better you are than any of those men in there. So I don't care about their opinions of you. I've known what it feels like to lose you, and I don't ever want to feel that again." he said firmly.

At that, Talia drew Fili into a hug, and she closed her eyes as he held on tightly to her waist. "You're not gonna lose me, I promise. Nothing bad's gonna happen to me." she assured him.

"How do you know?" Fili asked. Talia took a deep breath. She remembered when Thorin had asked that exact same question when she made that promise to him...and the very next day, she was stabbed by the man in black...the Nazgul, she found out they were called.

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