It Would've Been Better

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She could barely stand when Boromir put her down. She still couldn't even grasp the fact that she'd seen it. It happened so fast. There was nothing anyone could have done. The young woman let another dry sob escape her mouth, the sound echoing in the mines. "Talia?" Boromir managed to find her shoulders in the dark and kneel down in front of her.

Light suddenly filled the room, created by Gandalf's staff. That was when they could see her. Boromir furrowed his eyebrows with concern as he stared at Talia's petrified face. "Lass, what is it?" he tried.

"Where's Oin?" came one of the Dwarves. Everyone turned their heads to look for the missing Dwarf, but Talia didn't. She only kept her gaze on the blocked doorway, where she last saw him.

"Oin? Where's my brother?" Gloin began to demand.

That was when Talia's lips began to form into a frown. The sting in her eye was slowly making its presence, and the young woman let out a small whimper. Catching the attention of the Dwarves, Bofur approached her slowly. "Talia, what did you see?" he asked. She didn't respond. She didn't even look at the hatted Dwarf. The young woman opened her mouth to speak, but remained silent.

"He's not here. He's not here!" Kili shouted. Talia's breathing began to pick up at the sound of Kili panicking.

"Talia what's the matter?" Boromir pressed, his voice beginning to grow. Everyone in the fellowship directed their eyes towards the young woman, furrowing their eyebrows at the sight of her face. The Terran let out another whimper at the sight of everyone staring at her, and slowly the Dwarves began to realize what she saw.

"No. No." Gloin began to shake his head. Dori put his hand on the Dwarf's shoulder as he began to fall to his knees. But Boromir turned back around, shaking Talia by the shoulders, trying to break the trance she was in.

"Talia! Answer me, girl!" he commanded. The Man was suddenly interrupted by stomping footsteps coming toward him, and the next thing he knew, a pair of hands grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Move!" Thorin demanded, shoving Boromir out of the way. Talia finally broke when Thorin took her face in his hands and held her head against his chest. The young woman automatically gripped his wrists as she whimpered audibly into his furs, allowing it to sink in. He was gone. Oin was gone. Taken by that creature in the water. The young woman so desperately wanted to believe that he got away, that he escaped. But she had been in the clutches of the creature. Once it took hold...there would be no getting out of it.

It was her fault. If she'd been watching where she was going, she would've seen the creature coming for her, and there would've been no need for her Dwarves to come running out of the mines. There would've been no need to come to her rescue. But it only took this one stupid move...and it would've been better if she had been the one who died. But she hadn't been. It was Oin. Oin was dead. He died trying to get her to safety. He was always so kind to her, even back when some of the Dwarves weren't. And he saved her Dwarf...he saved his life when he was dying, when she wasn't there for him. And this is how she repays him. By sending him to his death.

They stayed there for a moment, everyone taking in the loss of a member of their fellowship. Talia hadn't let go of Thorin's wrists, and her hands were still shaking as Gandalf took a step towards everyone. "We cannot stay here. We are not alone in this place." he finally said.

Everyone looked up at the Wizard, acknowledging that he was right. Thorin began to stroke Talia cheeks with his thumbs, brushing away her final tears, her head still held against his chest. "Talia, let go." he said softly.

The young woman loosened her grip ever so slightly, but it was enough for Thorin to get out of her hold. Thorin looked up to face Gandalf, wondering what their next move would be. "We now have but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world." the Wizard said lowly.

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