To Take Care

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Talia was surprised to find that she was alone when she walked into the kitchen the next morning. That was odd, Thorin was always up before she was. The young woman furrowed her brows a little as she began to make coffee for the both of them. She would've liked to consider that maybe her Stupid Dwarf was able to let go a little and sleep in. But that wasn't very likely. However, Talia really did have to give Thorin a lot of credit! She'd never seen him so relaxed and carefree before...but it also made her kind of sad. Would that all go away once he goes back to being under the stresses of being a king?

The young woman made her way towards the guest room to find the door closed. Though she knew how rude it was to eavesdrop, she couldn't resist putting her ear against the door, trying to hear if he was awake. Talia heard silence. She couldn't help but feel a little concerned. Thorin had always been an early riser, so to see that she was the first to wake up that morning sparked up an instinct that something wasn't entirely right. The young woman took a deep breath, and gave a soft knock on the door.

"Thorin?" she softly called. Nothing. Talia bit her lip, almost positive that he was still sleeping. The young woman sighed, scolding herself for thinking about everything that could possibly be wrong. She was on her way back to the kitchen when she heard a dry cough coming from the other side of Thorin's door.

Talia turned around immediately and didn't even bother knocking as she practically threw the door open. She found Thorin sitting up in bed, dressed in nothing but his undershorts, and trying to hack up the gunk in his throat. Talia went to the bedside table to grab a tissue and was by his side instantly. "Hey, don't force it!" she scolded, but Thorin only glared at her as he yanked the tissue from her hand, spitting out what he'd managed to cough up.

The young woman rolled her eyes when he was finished, and she grabbed his bare shoulders instantly as he went to stand up out of bed. "Oh, no you don't!" she scolded once more, forcing Thorin back down into bed. "If you thought you were going anywhere today, you might as well get that thought out of your head now. You're sick." she told him firmly. Thorin grunted in response, clearly showing his current annoyance with her.

Talia sighed as he kept his scowl, and she turned around to see that he was aiming to grab his shirt when he tried to stand up. Talia rolled her eyes at the thought of Thorin acting shy, and she reached to take the shirt and hand it to him. "Tell me what hurts." she commanded, a little softer this time. Thorin slipped the clothing on and finally met her eyes.

"My throat is scratchy." he admitted, his nasally voice telling Talia how congested he was as well.

The young woman raised her brows. "And?" she pressed, causing Thorin to roll his eyes.

"Really Talia, it's not-"

"What else?" she cut him off. Thorin glared before speaking again.

"I feel pressure in my chest." he added. The Terran nodded, placing the back of her hand against his forehead before moving down to place it under his neck.

"Looks like the fall pollen is getting to you. You don't feel like you have a fever." she summarized.

"Will I die?" he asked with raised eyebrows, bringing a scowl from Talia.

"No, Stupid Dwarf. You're not gonna die. You're just gonna feel a bit crappy for the next couple of days." she told him. Thorin furrowed his eyebrows in response, causing Talia to raise her own. "Oh no. Don't think you're getting out of this bed today. Taking it easy is the best thing to do for this. If you don't, it could turn into something worse." she told him, not even hesitating to place her hand on his chest, seeing that her touch did at least something to steady him.

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