A Reflection of What Could Be

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He watched her sit against the same tree every day for a month now. He couldn't recall a time when she appeared so fragile, so absent, so...lifeless. No. No, no, no. He took it back. Lifeless was an impossible word that Kili could ever use to describe Talia. She wasn't that far gone...she still had the strength to speak when spoken to, she still had the strength to enjoy a meal with the fellowship, she still had the strength to smile at anyone and everyone who approached her. She was going to be alright.

But Kili couldn't just stand there anymore, day after day, watching her stare at the sky for countless hours. This wasn't like her. For the first week, Fili managed to convince him to let it slide. She wasn't the only one grieving. All the death that took place in Moria took a toll on everyone in the fellowship. Kili could still see it in their eyes. They could feel the loss, wondering how this could happen so soon, how this could happen to them.

He even remembered when he finally broke down worse than he ever had since it happened, when no one but Talia was there to see it. He couldn't believe they were gone. He couldn't believe that Ori was gone. How? Ori was younger than he was, and Kili still felt like his life had hardly even begun! How could anyone be taken so soon? How could someone so young be here one day, and just be gone the next?

Kili couldn't even put up a fight when Talia bent down to take him into her arms. She didn't even have to say anything. Her mere touch was enough to remind him that tragedy happened to the best people, and that he wasn't alone. There was something about Talia's presence that not even his brother could give him, and any other Dwarf in Thorin's company could vouch for him on that statement. She was their special lass.

He didn't like seeing her like that. She shouldn't be sitting still against a tree trunk, watching life. She should be up and about, soaking the sun's rays, being life itself. Kili finally couldn't take it anymore, and began to head towards her. As he walked, he couldn't help but be surprised at the fact that his uncle wasn't with her. She wasn't actually doing anything, and no one required her presence. Thorin typically took every chance he could get to be alone with her. And Kili couldn't help but be somewhat grateful that Thorin was currently absent.

Though they had worked out their differences, Kili still couldn't help but harvest a bit of jealousy towards Thorin. He remembered the first few months when he first knew Talia, when he and his brother could have her attention all to themselves. They saw themselves as Talia's special friends and protectors. Now...it just felt rare that Kili and Fili could have time with her without having to go through Thorin first.

Fili tried to get him to understand better, and Kili truly was happy to see his uncle happy, but...he just wished that Thorin wouldn't hold on to Talia so tightly. Why couldn't he see that Talia was more than just his? Kili could only hope that Fili was right, that this was just a phase, and that Thorin's overly strong attachment to Talia would wear down over time.

She gave her usual smile when she saw Kili coming towards her. "Mind if I join you?" he asked. Talia shook her head, and Kili gave a small sigh of relief when he bent down to sit next to her. The Dwarf prince wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"What are you up to?" Talia asked, leaning her head against his shoulder. Kili held in his breath at that.

"Well...I mean-"

"You're bored, aren't you?" Talia asked. That caused Kili to pause for a minute. He had always been one to stutter and say stupid things around Talia when he found himself in need of more attention.

"No, that's not it. You just seemed...lonely."

Talia looked up at him. "I'm not lonely, I've just...I don't know. I guess I've just enjoyed my alone time lately. Is that a bad thing?"

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