What Happened?

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Dis was completely baffled by the events that had just occurred. Through the stone walls, she could barely hear Kili screaming at Thorin. Kili had never done that before. Neither one of her sons had ever yelled at their uncle out of anger before. And then...she didn't have the words for the commotion she overheard from Thorin's room afterwards... The Dwarf princess had already known that something wasn't right. The entire company was more than melancholy by the time she had arrived with the caravans from the Blue Mountains.

She was aware of the losses of Nori and Bifur, but they had months to mourn. When she arrived, many of them were still grieving like they died yesterday. There had to have been something else that was bothering them. It had to have been serious in order to cause Kili to completely lash out, and for Thorin to spend his free time sitting still in his big chair. She was worried for her brother. He was not at all himself. He hardly left his quarters when he wasn't busy, he talked even less than he used to, and the drive and determination that he used to have completely dissipated. What happened on the quest to Erebor?

Dis couldn't take it anymore. She had to find out what happened, and she knew just who to ask. The princess hastily made her way to his quarters and knocked on the door. Dwalin bowed to Dis, and she rolled her eyes and saw herself in.

"Is there something you need?" Dwalin gruffly asked. Once the door was closed, Dis looked at him sincerely.

"Tell me what happened, Dwalin. Tell me what happened on that quest." she said.

Dwalin gave no sign of shock, as if he suspected this day was coming. He just stood there with a blank face. "That is not my place to tell."

Dis scoffed. "Oh? And you think Thorin will tell me freely? He hardly speaks, he does everything to avoid talk of the quest. Not even my own sons will give me any kind of insight. I want to know. I want to understand what's happening to him. Tell me what's happening to my brother, Dwalin!" she demanded, feeling a sting in her eyes as she glared at the warrior.

He didn't reply. Dwalin only looked down, and remained silent. Dis took a step towards him. "As your princess, I command you to tell me what happened." She didn't want to take it that far. Dwalin was a family friend, and he was like a brother to Thorin, and a second uncle to her sons. She didn't want to treat him like he was just another soldier. But she also needed to know what happened. The evidence clearly showed which of the two she wanted more.

Dwalin looked at her as if he were expecting her to give the order. He knew her too well. The warrior took a deep breath before he spoke. "I don't believe your brother ever told you, but we hired a burglar for the journey."

Dis furrowed her eyebrows. "No, he never told me that. Why? Who was he?"

"She." Dwalin corrected, and Dis widened her eyes.

"She? It was a woman?"

Dwalin nodded. "She was a Terran. Gandalf took us to her home to bring her here."

Dis shook her head. "And?"

Dwalin actually gave a slight smile. "She was wonderful. Fili and Kili adored her. We all did. But Thorin...he..." He didn't continue, and Dis put a hand over her mouth.

"No. He didn't." she denied.

"But he did." Dwalin affirmed.

"But...Thorin has been denying women for decades. What was so special about her?" Dis had to ask.

The warrior looked at the princess with sincerity. "She showed him that it was alright to live again. I don't think I'd ever seen him laugh that much. She was...out of this world." Dis actually gave a slight smile, but it quickly faded.

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