A Rude Awakening

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"Alright, stop. We will rest here for a little while." Gandalf announced. The fellowship had stopped to eat lunch over a rocky landscape, and with a tired sigh, Talia took in the pretty view. They had been traveling for a little over two weeks now, and the young woman had to admit that the time was going by extremely slowly.

She was already beginning to feel like they should be there by now, just so she could crawl into a comfy bed and sleep the day away. Talia didn't remember the quest to Erebor ever feeling like such a drag! But then again...she didn't exactly have the same company that she used to.

They still hadn't gotten over it. Thorin and his nephews. Fili and Kili were barely beginning to come around. Throughout the day, Talia would catch them looking at her, as if they wanted to apologize for the way they've kept their distance, but they just didn't know how. The young woman would've approached them herself but...she didn't want to invade their space; and receiving more rejection from them was the last thing she wanted at the moment.

Thorin, on the other hand, hadn't budged one bit. He spent most of his time isolated from everyone else, and occasionally talking with Dwalin and his nephews, not even bothering to try speaking to her. It broke her heart. At night, when nearly everyone was asleep, the young woman would always look in his direction, silently asking to actually talk to him about this whole thing. He only glared at her before laying his head down every time he bothered to even meet her gaze. For two weeks, this has happened. Talia didn't know how much longer she could go on like this. She wanted her Dwarf back on her side. Did he even know how much she wanted that?

Nevertheless, Talia refused to let the vigilance of the three Dwarves completely kill her spirit. She actually had fun having multiple conversations with Bofur and Ori. Talia was glad that they found it in their hearts to forgive her for what she had done. She didn't know what she'd do without them.

And surprisingly to her, the young woman had also found Boromir's company quite pleasant. Though it took her a little while to be convinced that his head was in the right place, she was certainly impressed to see how much selflessness that his heart contained. With every moment she spent with him...the more he reminded her of Thorin. And it only made her miss her Dwarf all the more.

The company was setting things up for lunch when Talia pulled her phone out of her pocket. "I'm playing music, just so you boys know." she announced lazily. The men looked at her with indifference, as they had become tolerant of Talia blasting her music as loud as she could whenever she had the opportunity. The young woman tapped on "Shuffle", and just like that, Middle Earth had been introduced to Green Day.

The first verse of "Holiday" hadn't even passed when Talia blinked at a sudden sound. She looked to see Boromir lightly moving to the music. "You're such an embarrassment, you know that?" Talia snorted. The Man looked up at her with narrowed eyes.

"What?" he asked in utter confusion, bringing a laugh from Talia.

"You don't snap your fingers to Green Day! You look like you're one step away from a wheelchair and oxygen tanks!" she exclaimed, bringing a laugh from Aragorn and several of the Dwarves.

Boromir furrowed his eyebrows. "Well, perhaps you should show me how to do it correctly." he said as-a-matter-of-factly, holding out his hand to her. Talia raised her brows, clearly not in the mood.

"No thanks, I think I'd rather just watch you." she sassed.

"What's the matter? You don't dance?" he wondered.

"Ha! Don't let her lie to you, lad! The lass loves to dance!" Bofur exclaimed.

Talia narrowed her eyes. "Thanks Bofur." she half-heartedly snapped. The hatted Dwarf raised his eyebrows.

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