Desperate Times

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His face was beginning to hurt from smiling, and his laughing was completely slowing him down as he chased her through the trees. It was useless to fight it. Her laugh was so contagious, sometimes even more contagious than her smile. The land was bright with the shine of the sun, the sky was crystal clear, and the trees were a vibrant green. It couldn't have been more perfect.

If she hadn't looked back at him, she would've outrun him. But Thorin could tell by the look in her eyes that she couldn't resist. He caught up to Talia in a matter of seconds, and they had been running so fast that the impact of Thorin running into her had knocked them both to the ground. They landed on a soft bed of moss, and Thorin barely felt any pain. He turned his way over to find Talia on her back, still laughing.

She was so beautiful, so sweet. And she was all his. Thorin lifted himself so he was hovering over her. He couldn't help himself. He had to kiss that smile before it could even slightly fade. It was everything he knew it would be. Talia's lips were softer than the finest silk, feeling her against him made him wish he didn't have to let go to breathe.

It was Talia who pulled away first, though they were both out of breath by the time she did. Her smile returned and she used her elbow to sit up. "You look tired." she hummed softly, giving Thorin a slight push so that he rolled onto his back.

"Do I now?" he questioned with a smirk.

Talia turned so she was laying on her side. "Just a bit." she purred.

Thorin closed his eyes as Talia stroked his beard with her thumb, every one of his muscles relaxing. They should be getting back soon, but he just couldn't bring himself to stop her. Today, life was too good. Thorin's smile widened as he felt her pressing multiple kisses against his cheeks. "I love you, so much." she whispered. As he opened his eyes to was gone. Everything was gone. He woke up. 

The Dwarf king was nearly shocked at the feel of his eyes burning when he realized he had been dreaming. He couldn't describe how badly he wanted it to be real. Thorin wished he could close his eyes and return to the realm of his mind, just so he could live out the rest of that day with his Talia. But it was impossible...that dream was now nothing more than a distant memory.

Thorin shook his head as he forced himself to get up, slightly widening his eyes as he realized that he couldn't recall waking Talia for her watch. He must have fallen asleep in the middle of the night. His eyes quickly darted to look across from him to find Talia uncomfortably positioned against that tree trunk. She looked like she never even laid down to sleep. Instead, she merely curled into herself, it was clear that she had a hard time keeping herself warm without the fire.

Why did she have to be so stubborn? What did she really think was going to happen if she stayed just a couple of yards closer to him? Was she seriously convinced that she was going to kill him in her sleep?

As much as Thorin admired Talia for being as independent as she was...he knew she didn't have that kind of skill. She didn't even know how to hold a sword properly, let alone be able to handle one in her sleep. And what made her think she could actually beat him if it ever came to a fight? Thorin was handed a sword by the time he could take his first steps, and he had far more experience in combat than he ever wanted in his life. Talia was nothing compared to him.

Thorin ran his hand through his hair, trying not to frustrate himself even more. He just hated how distant he and Talia had been, even before this incident happened. If that dream made him realize something, it was how much he missed her. It was almost like he forgot that there were good, no, wonderful days they had together. He lost sight of how much he loved her. And now that he remembered, he wanted her back. He wanted more to their relationship than just making sure Talia didn't get herself killed. He wanted to hold her again, kiss her, laugh with her, and talk to her the way he did when he went back to Terra for her. But how could he do that if she wouldn't let him within three yards of her?

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