Never Again

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Her chest burned as she climbed the rest of the stairs. It took every bit of herself to hold her tears in. Talia still couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that she actually broke up with him. People weren't supposed to break up when they were still in love. Oh yes, Talia still loved Thorin. She lied to him about that once, and she learned the hard way that she would never do that again.

She said such awful things to him. It didn't matter if that was how a part of her felt, she should've just kept it to herself! But no, she just had to run her mouth like she always does when she's upset. Now she had to pay for what she'd done.

Talia wasn't going to make it. Thorin was right. She would've been killed off a long time ago had he not been with her. He wasn't going to be coming back, not after what she did. A part of her didn't regret it though. At least she knew he'd be safe once it was done. He could go home and live his life. Her only regret was not being able to apologize to him.

She didn't mean what she said, not completely at least. What he shouted to Smeagol did frighten her, Talia thought she was watching her nightmare come to life. She thought she was losing him again, and she wasn't strong enough to fight his madness a second time...and in that moment...she did hate him. But did she really believe that Thorin never really loved her? No. The young woman knew full well what she was getting into with him. She knew that he could be possessive, but she also knew that was just how he was. Thorin merely wanted the same thing she wanted from him. He wanted her to himself, he just showed it in a much stronger way than she did.

The young woman continued to climb the stairs, trying not to think of him. She regretted what she said the moment she started off without him. It took everything for her to keep going, though she wanted so badly to jump back down and beg Thorin to take her back. But she couldn't. Talia didn't know what Thorin was really asking of her when he offered to carry the Ring. She wasn't sure if he wanted it, or if he genuinely wanted to help. Boromir came to her with good intentions too, and he took a bad turn very quickly. Talia couldn't take any chances. She couldn't afford to be betrayed by someone else, especially since she was this close.

When they finally reached the top, Talia let out a huge sigh of relief. She did it. She couldn't believe that she actually made it without falling to her death! The young woman wanted nothing more than to rest at this point. But she knew she had to keep going. She hadn't been climbing very long, she really couldn't risk many more delays.

Talia leaned her body against the rocks, when Smeagol pointed in the direction they were going next. She furrowed her brows when she turned her head, her eyes coming into contact with a deep, dark tunnel. "There." he told her.

The young woman grimaced. "What the hell is this?" she asked. This place was disgusting. She could smell the musk from here, and the tunnel was damp and stuffy.

"Mistress must go inside the tunnel." Smeagol said.

" that I'm actually here...I don't wanna do it." she cringed. She was supposed to go in there by herself? Talia felt herself forgetting about the importance of the Ring, and she was really feeling like an idiot for sending away her only true protection.

"It's the only way!" Smeagol insisted, clearly growing impatient with her. "Go in, or go back."

Talia bit her lip and shook her head. She wasn't ready for this, but she had no other choice. "I can't go back." she stumbled, reluctantly making her way into the tunnel.

She was immediately hit with the worst scent that she ever experienced. Talia gagged instantly. It took everything in her being to keep herself from throwing up. "What's that awful smell?" she grimaced.

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