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Her thick, red hair fell to the middle of her back. Waving side-to-side as she calmly rocked the sleeping child with a matching red ball of hair. The woman with red hair, who's name was Lily, slowly made her way to the crib where she laid down the child.

A sharp pain flashed through her head causing her eyesight to go black for just a quick second.

"Are you all right?" a husky voice called from across the hall.

She swallowed hard and blinked away the tears that formed when she blacked. Her vision cleared only to find herself kneeling on the floor.

"F-fine," she croaked. "Got light headed."

"Are you sure-"

"Yeah, just the pregnancy. Don't worry," Lily reassured him.

Quickly she pulled herself from the ground and walked over to the desk by the windowsill. Lily grabbed a white feather and dipped it into a small ink container. She scratched her loopy hand writing on to a piece of parchment by a window.

Dear Dumbledore,

He is coming soon... I know he is. He is going to try to kill Harry... along with the rest of us. Please come soon.

Sincerely, Lily Potter

Lily folded the parchment into an envelope, and gave a short whistle. There was a whoosh, and she watched as her brown barn owl perched at the window. She held the envelope up to the bird.

"Take this to Dumbledore," she instructed.

The owl opened its beak and closed it over the envelope. It spread its wings and flew out the open window. Lily watched stressfully as it flew into the moon light, until something else caught her attention. A figure in a black cloak entered the yard. Quickly she closed the window.

"Pettigrew- he's betrayed us to you-know-who. What are we going to do?" James Potter asked her from the doorway.

She sniffed and quickly wiped a stay tear from her eye before turning around and meeting his equally depressed eyes. Her eyes traveled from his hazel eyes to his arms, where a child with black hair played with his tongue. Another tear fell from eyes. James put the baby into a crib carefully, next to another baby. He opened his arms, wrapping Lily into his tight hug.

She listened to the beating of his heart. How it sounded so lively, and fast.

"They'll be fine ," he whispered into her ear, rubbing her back soothingly.

"But what if their not. . . James their only a year old-" but before she could finish, the sound of destruction came from down stairs.

James kissed Lily on her forehead and looked her deeply in her emerald eyes. "What ever happens, everything will be alright."

He pulled away from her and kissed his children for the last time in his life.

"I love you," he said.

"Always?" Lily cried.

"Always," James agreed before leaving the room and raced down the stairs.

"Please leave us alone. We-" he started.

"Foolish boy," a cold, high voice came.

Then a short yell and bang came. Tears were now flowing from her eyes. For the beating of his heart was no longer lively and fast.

Now the little baby girl woke and sat up with wide eyes. Lily smiled quavered through her running tears. She glided over to the babies and kissed them. She then knelt down so she was eye level with them.

"Mummy loves you, daddy loves you," she cried. "Be safe, be brave."

That's when the door burst open and the cloaked figure walked in. She quickly turned around standing up, wand in hand, to face it.

"Please not the children, not the children!" she cried.

"Move, filthy mudmood," it commanded. "I'm not here for you."

"No! Take me instead of them. Please have mercy," she begged.

It raised it's hand, holding a bony wand. Then a green flash came out of it. Lily screams radiated from her voice as the flash hit her square in the chest. Her mangled body fell onto the floor with a thud.

The baby boy crawled to the end of the crib, only to grasp the bars, crying out for his mother. Hoping to get a slight movement from her stiff body. However his sister just starred at the cloaked figure. Her mind drew a blank, this thing had just murdered her beloved mother. The one who had waved her wand when ever she was sad to only have light sprout from the tip. The baby girl grabbed her mothers wand that fell into the crib, believing that she could maybe cheer her self up by letting light consume her attention.

"This thing has attitude," the figure stated. "You'll die first."

The girl's innocent eyes flashed up dangerously at the cloaked monster. It chuckled at the fiery girl. The same girl who had lit the bottom of his cloak into flames within seconds.

The figure screamed in anguish as it attempted to put out the fire. Once the flames were put out, it's wand was raised at the baby girl. She didn't move as the green light was shot toward her. It hit her neck and rebounded, hitting her brother's forehead. Although it bounced right off his head just like it did with her neck, and now it hit the cloaked figure. The cloak figure vanished into thin air.

The baby girl soon grew faint, having used much energy by starting the fire, and fell asleep once again, leaving her brother to cry by himself. She was awoken later by footsteps that raced up the staircase and into the room where the they were. That's when a man with a long, silvery-white beard walked in. His eyes feel onto Lily's immobile body. A tear fell from behind his spectacles. Then the baby boy gave a loud cry making the man pace toward the crib. He grabbed the boy and cradled him, making him stop crying. He glanced at the baby girl still grasping her dead mother's wand as if it were a stuffed toy.

"Smart girl, like your mother. Even as a baby," he smiled. "But you must be kept safe and hidden."

A/N: Yes I know, this prologue sucks. But please keep reading! You won't regret it!

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