Chapter 3

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The seven of us walked out to the railing by the staircase, huddling closely around the twins. George weeded one ear down the open space in the middle of the spiral staircase, while holding onto the other ear. Since the feedback on our side of the ear came back as static, he twisted the piece of flesh until a clear sound came out.

"Isabella is here! Why didn't you tell us she was even alive, Dumbledore?" a man's voice boomed in frustration.

"How are we not able to hear him yelling without that thing?" I asked, waving my hand at the ear.

"Mum put an enchantment on the door. So, we can't hear unless we were on the other side of the door," George explained in a whisper. "The extendable ear can break through that simple enchantment."

"I didn't want to bring her her into this world without a reason, Sirius," Dumbledore's voice explained calmly. "Through all these years, I have known that Voldemort had never truly died that night at the Potters. However, due to Voldemort's resurrection, I thought it would be best to keep a closer eye on her. We all know that the first chance he would get, he would have taken her and used her as a weapon against Harry or the Order."

"The poor things," Mrs. Weasely said sympathetically. "But why did you hide her in the first place?"

"Isabella has shown capabilities that others do not have. They are powerful, yet dangerous if used in the wrong hands."

"How would you know?" came a different man's voice.

"Voldemort was attacked the night he went to kill Harry. When I had examined the scene, I had found a single clock that was burned. I checked the last spells on both Lily's and James's wands. Neither showed any indication of a flame being set from their wands. It was Isabella... she had set flames to the end of his cloak. Harry seemed to be to busy crying at the time of their deaths for him to cast a non-verbal spell. Isabella, however, seemed calmer then her brother in that sense-"

No one around me was listening after that. Everyone's eyes glanced over at me, watching me closer than before. I looked up at them just in time to watch Hermione whisper something to Ginny, continuously watching me.

I didn't understand what exactly Dumbledore was trying to get at. Not once had I come across some strange powers or magical tricks in my life time. Now, here was this man hinting that I might just be more advanced then most usually are.

"Well," Mrs. Weasely's voice cut though thoughts, "none of the kids - except maybe Harry and Isabella - has eaten since three thirty before this meeting started. This meeting is over and we are having dinner."

I shook my head and inched away from the staircase. "I'm not going downstairs right now."

"But Isabella don't you want to meet Sirius?" Harry questioned, obviously trying to make me feel more comfortable.

"Not right now," I repeated, looking no one in the eye. "Where is the bedroom I'll be staying in?"

"Two doors away from Ron's and Harry's," Hermione told me. "Alex is sharing a room with you... just so you know."

Nodding, I began my way up the stairs and towards the room.

"Kids! Come downstairs, we are eating!" Mrs. Weasley yelled up the stairs.

"Hey," a voice called softly behind me, as I heard the others walk down the steps.

I turned around and saw one of the twins. He gave me a slight grin.

"Just so you know," He began to say, "no one thinks any different of you then they did twenty minutes ago."

In an attempt to comfort myself, I wrapped my arms around my waist. My eyes drifted from the twin to the stair case.

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