Chapter 32

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We landed the Thestrals and left them in the empty streets of London. We entered the Ministry in a Phone booth. Harry told us the four-digit password to get in.

We followed Harry to the elevator where he pressed a button that said Department of Mysteries next to it. There was a jolt backward the made us all bang into each other. We stood in silence, tension filling the air.

There was a ding and a woman's voice said, "Department of Mysteries."

The doors opened and we all walked out, the doors closing behind us. I looked around and found myself in my nightmares.

"Follow me," Harry commanded making his way down the black bricked hallway.

The followed us as we made our way to a black door with a gold knob. Harry and I knew how to get there like it was the back of our hands.

I grabbed the door knob, twisted it and swung it open. The eight of us walked into a circular room. There were eight doors on the rounded walls. Each the same color, shape, and size.

"Shut the door," I muttered to Neville.

He walked over to the door and closed it. The bang of it echoed through out the room.

"What now?" Ginny questioned.

And just like that the wall started to move. It spun so fast I couldn't focus on any of the doors, they were all a blur. Soon enough, It just bluntly stopped.

"What was that for?" Ron asked.

"To make us forget what door we came in," Matty said.

"How do we get through?" Hermione said.

"Well, on the other side of one of these doors, the room sort of... glitters," he explained.

"Is it like a vampire of something?" Ginny scoffed with a small chuckled.

I snorted.

Hermione rolled her eyes at us.

"We should each open a door," Luna said dreamily.

"Yeah," I agreed.

We all walked over to a door and pushed them open.

Whispering came from behind an archway.

Be Strong, Be Brave a woman's voice whispered.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I started to walk towards the voice which was behind a large archway.

"Arg!" Ron screamed.

I immediately turned around. I saw Ron's bright red hair was covered with a... brain?

"What the fuck," I said.

"Watch you language," Luna said politely.

I rolled my eyes and whipped out my wand. "Reducto!"

The brain turned to ash and Ron shook out the remains from his hair.

"I found the room!" Harry said peering into the room Hermione opened.

I turned around and found my dreams becoming reality.

"Harry, I'm not to sure about this," I sighed getting a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"We come too far," he snapped, "and I- we can't loose the last of the family we've got."

I looked him in they eye and nodded. "Okay fine, lets go."

We all followed Harry into the room that seemed endless from the darkness. We kept walking past rows of shelves that held glowing orbs.

Harry stopped at the aisle 97 and waved his glowing wand around and his breathing became frantic.

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